clairehynes39 Member


  • Generally what I do is I have a treat each day of no more than 150 calories but only if I relly want it. Thats for crisps, chocolate etc I dont include raw nuts as a treat etc. Then once a week I get a takeaway with my hubby and a movie. I order what I like within reason which is normally just a main meal. I dont worry…
  • Im in recovery from binge eating disorder and the only thing I weigh in my carbs. I have 30g for brekkie (bread, porridge etc), 200g of potato or 180g or cooked pasta or rice with lunch/dinner or 60g of bread. Thats the minimum I allow myself and if im hungry ill have more. Outside that I just log the serving guidlines on…
  • The minced lamb has less fat and calories than grilled lamb chops. Lamb is one of the few meats that has fat marbled throughout it so even grilled it would have a high fat content. Thats what we learned in a slimming club I used to be in anyway. Hope its some help!