Calories in minced lamb when oven cooked?


I'm making some lamb kebab/meatball type things tonight to have with salad and pittas and stuff, have just taken the mince out of the freezer and spotted how high in fat and calories it is - 20% fat, 245 calories per 100g raw weight.

However, I know I won't be eating all that fat - I'm going to cook the meatballs on a baking tray in the oven and a lot of the fat will run out of them.

Am I right in thinking that I could measure the fat that runs off (drain it into a bowl and measure by weight or with a teaspoon/tablespoon measure) and deduct those calories from the total?

Does anyone do this or am I being weird? I just don't see the point in logging a load of calories I definitely won't be eating because I'm not going to lick a greasy baking tray!


  • clairehynes39
    clairehynes39 Posts: 3 Member
    The minced lamb has less fat and calories than grilled lamb chops. Lamb is one of the few meats that has fat marbled throughout it so even grilled it would have a high fat content. Thats what we learned in a slimming club I used to be in anyway.
    Hope its some help!