FitVego Member


  • So sorry to hear your anniversary didn't go as smoothly as hoped. It wasn't a very considerate thing for him to say, and I can understand how your feelings would've been hurt- I probably would've cried! So you did well! haha I think, stay away from ratings. And remember that he married you for a reason. He obviously thinks…
  • I don't think I am at my fittest by any stretch at the moment, but definitely feeling fitter than I have in a long time! Monday- Body Pump Class ( a weights/barbell 1 hour class), 15 minutes intense cardio ( 90% capacity), 10 minutes mid range cardio. ( 70%) Tuesday- Body Balance Class ( yoga fusion class, including core…
  • definitely agree! Stairmaster/stairmill will kick you butt! But it is great if you don't have much time and want a great calorie burn! It also works your heartrate like no other cardio machine! I run 8-10km a few times a week and I end up pretty tired, but 20 minutes on the stairmill and the sweat will be pouring off you!…
  • Large Butter popcorn, bag of salt and vinegar chips, bag of lollies... ANYTHING WITH TOO MUCH SALT OR SUGAR GETS ME!
  • Thanks so much everyone! I know eating fish technically makes me a pescatarian but I have not eaten fish for the last 5 years of my vegetarianism, but travelling I started getting lightheaded etc from not getting enough protein/essential oils/vitamins/iron, so I began eating small bits of fish here an there. Thanks so much…
  • Thanks heaps for the help! I have tried to go low carb because I read that it's best for weight loss quickly and is easy to follow. However, being vegetarian I'm fining it quite difficult! If I were to go 100% strict, I would only be eating vegetables, tofu and fish all day! And I'd go insane! I love oats because they keep…
  • Thanks so much everyone! Will definetely try to cut down on sodium, and eat more plain yoghurt and plain oats! - things with less added sugar. I've cut out sugar in tea, any cakes or sugary foods except for fruit and only 'straight' carbs is a rare bit of sushi or oats in the morning :) I know I can eat fish without…
  • Thanks everyone for the advice and comments! I just expected better results, as the planner said I should have lost about 14 pounds by now! I eat back about half of my calories from excersise but most days don't make it over 1200 net calories.. Do you think I should up my calories?