jesssi1984 Member


  • Umm matter of opinion, my biggest problem previously was the stitch in the side type problem.. Not my knees, not my legs, not my feet... Nothin but breathing is on my mind. In through my nose, out through my mouth. Filling my lungs. Endurance through breathing is key for me. It's almost like I hit a point where I don't…
  • My mom still acts like I'm so huge... She's constantly talking about how my sister is in a medium now (2 years ago she was XXL/XXXL) . But nothing about "wow, you look like you've lost 20lbs!" Which I have. It's just that, geez I hope you brag about me to someone!!!! I set a goal for my 30th birthday (oct 2014) and I want…
  • Didnt read all the responses, but my experience was not so much as gainin weight as not being able to get rid of it. I was trying to lose lbs before my wedding; was eating OK, and biking a few miles for an hour or two for a few weeks. I was really incredibly upset when I didn't drop weight! I went to my doctor, had…
    in Mirena Comment by jesssi1984 June 2013
  • I used to bike the same way - I didn't care what others did, just wanted to go further than the day before. Decided that's the only way to TRUELY compete and never lose! However, I do love the competitive nature of running races, gives me a jolt to keep going when I see others passing me by. Not so much as beating them but…
  • If you can focus on distance; speed follows... Distance and time builds endurance. I've been focusing on 5k since march and just started 10k this week. I figure my 5k will get quicker and seem easier when I'm used to running 10k. As for goals, I just want to get better and ... the only person to beat is me from yesterday!…
  • ^^^this! More food goes "wasted" now because I have made such a habit out of it!
  • ^agreed, you can't properly breathe if you are "sucking in"... Considering you should be filling your lungs. I think this would lead to exhaustion rather quick and endurance would suffer. Now if you just mean "engaged" by all means, as long as it doesn't impair breathing.
  • HAHA! I too shop there, well, because I have two kids. It was the easiest way I could think of describing specialty? Hahaha! I mean I obviously don't shop for myself there... ;)
  • I started mid-feb topping out at 252, I've made it down almost 20lbs in 3months. I joined the gym, hit the trail with my bicycle, and run around with my kid. My goal is about 100 lbs away, by next spring. I started running c25k 7wks ago, and went from struggling to run a minute to being able to run a mile. Which helps with…
  • This all went different ways! As a person highly interested in marketing; there's no way that all of the stores could make all of the sizes "needed". For as much as I think Abercrombie "dude" is a ****, it is good practice to cater to certain markets. Actually, the fundamentals of business marketing is identifying your…
  • I've been known to gain up to 8lbs in a day/overnight in water, depending on what I eat - tortilla chips & salsa?!?! - and what I'm doing - recently drove 10 hours within a 24 hour period through mountains! With each little water gain, I've noticed it takes a couple days for the swelling to receed.
  • Anything that keeps you active cannot possibly make you fat. I absolutely hated tracking my weight right after I joined the gym. I had lost about 10lbs before I joined and it was disheartening to not see any progress at first. But once I stopped swelling so much, drank a LOT of water, swam a couple laps in the pool (helps…
  • Plus it's totally possible depending on weight, because I was calculating around 500 cals/hr for myself when I was going to class! The less you weigh, the less you burn. And it also depends on how much effort you put forth. Some people are just rude! But to answer your original - yes, just make sure you're getting your…
  • Warm up walk, then stretch (I found plenty of helpful posts on Pinterest), then speed up to a run/jog. I've been doing a C25K and it's really awesome. I always used to end up with splitting pain in my side from running. But building up my breathing and stretching like crazy - I haven't had one complaint from my muscles! Oh…
  • Maybe they just don't want to share THEIRS, but that doesn't mean I would have to eat my whole pizza. I'm one that hates wasting money. I would hate to throw a pizza away. But in my mind, I could be stuffed now; or I could save it and be satisfied within a healthy limit and make several meals out of it! (Did this a LOT…
  • I was just saying this last night to my husband! I want a dress when I lose all this weight and he was asking me why size to get. I said "that's just the thing, I will never be a size 4or 2 without changing my bone structure! :-) but that's okay with me, because I'm NOT hung up on size charts, just trying to be healthy and…
  • I hardly see any! And no one should be ashamed of stretch marks, when I was going through the nasty teen years, I aquired so many, you would've thought I was a mother of 5... Now as a mom of 2, I could care less about them. I hate when people tell me I should cover them up (my own mother), so way to wear the bikini! You…