Shin splints...and Im supposed to walk/jog(c25k) tomorrow:(

So I did day 1 of C25k yesterday..and today I did a 20 brisk walk,and day 7 of 30DS (im doing 30DS,and C25K at the same time)...anyways Im having horrible shin pain...and Im supposed to do day 2 (walk 5 min/jog 2 min/walk 5 min) tomorrow...what can i do to help it go away?


  • SailorSarah311
    SailorSarah311 Posts: 172 Member
    I was taught that you can "write" the abc's in the air with your feet. Lift one foot and draw each letter in the air. You only have to lift your foot up so it isn't touching the ground. Go from a-z then switch and do it on the other foot. This is suppose to help with a pre-workout. I 'm not sure what you can do to get rid of the pain. This might help stretch out any muscles that you have over worked. I hope this helps a little bit.
  • jesssi1984
    jesssi1984 Posts: 17 Member
    Warm up walk, then stretch (I found plenty of helpful posts on Pinterest), then speed up to a run/jog.

    I've been doing a C25K and it's really awesome. I always used to end up with splitting pain in my side from running. But building up my breathing and stretching like crazy - I haven't had one complaint from my muscles!

    Oh another helpful thing - if you have access to a pool, I've noticed less swelling if I do a few laps after my run and stretch again in the shower.
  • nicoleashley_24
    nicoleashley_24 Posts: 144 Member
    I've found that the best thing for shin splints from running... is more running. That sounds awful but it seems to be the way.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    compression socks/sleeves + ice afterwards have helped mine a bit.

    i think it has a lot to do with your shoes. i'm quite annoyed atm as i went to get gait analysis because of this and the new £90 trainers i was recommended are actually worse and non-returnable as i run outside :S
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Oh boy... People actually telling you to run more when you have shin splints... Of course they're your shins, but you should be resting if you have shin splints, until it has completely heals. If you continue running you will run the risk of it getting worse and you can get seriously injured. Maybe you don't even HAVE shin splints, in which case getting the right shoes, stretching and correct warm-ups could be all you need to do.

    I would go see a doctor or physiotherapist before you run another k... Just to be sure.