ShedLeaves Member


  • Great Idea...Thank you
  • You don't say if you are overweight or have weight to lose. You just say his abuse causes you to eat and make bad choices. Change your go to self medication to a walk, a bike ride, time with the kids, clean.
  • Some of us who live in sub-zero temperatures or just plain cold, blowing, snowing weather like these to keep up our exercise up. I like Leslie Sansone because she is upbeat and helps me forget the weather outside.
  • Elliptical and treadmill are similar to walking so FB will pick up on it. FB will not register riding a bicycle very well so the standard advice is to log it. Try doing one day not logging it and see what the results are. Then manually input the information. Also keep in mind FB is a pedometer at heart. Hope this helps.
  • I think the main issue is not your weight loss. It is your marriage. A true partnership would encourage and support...not grumble.