

  • Rae6503 and snookumss since I started working out I've gained a few pounds around 3lbs. I did not do measurements prior to starting. I did this week though and plan to continue that weekly. I don't want to stop what I'm doing just frustrated with not loosing any weight while I'm doing the right thing watching what I'm…
  • Hi Kay, I was doing infertility treatments for over 2 years before being diagnosed with PCOS in 2010. Once I got the diagnosis I started eating healthier and exercising and lost 38lbs by myself. I could not get anymore off so I started a local weigh loss program and I’ve lost another 12.5lbs for a total of 50.5lbs so far.…
  • Very inspirational and Congratulations you look great!!!!!!!
  • WOW thank you all so much! How encouraging you all make me feel! thank you again! And congratulations to you all for your weight loss as well!
  • thank you Karen for helping me out with getting those pics posted! And thank you all for the encouragement! :)
  • ok so the links don't work and the title is suppose to say *Half way and 30lbs lighter.... sorry :(