purplesora Member


  • I need to go veggie shopping!
  • Wow everyone's success photos are super inspiring! Well done so far, everyone, and good luck to everyone who needed the motivation!
  • Wow. Jumping through this thread is really inspiring ouo I'm a weakling and can only do about 1 knee push up if I try really hard, and you guys have made me want to try to do 100 of them. I'm definitely doing this, though it may be in a week or two when I have more time and no access to a gym (end of semester is a double…
  • Bloooondes *A* Also, especially on women because I haven't seen a guy who "rocks it" in my opinion yet, nicely dyed hair <3 Bright red, bright blue, teal, etc. Mmm. As far as personality, anyone who doesn't treat me like I'm a weak little girl or something >_>
  • Unsweetened, no anything added tea C: However, it might be better to start at plain water! I found that back when I was addicted to soda, I hated tea with a passion because it tasted blander than water, then for a few years I drank nothing but water and coffee, and in that time my pallet "calmed down" from all the constant…
  • People telling you how to eat. Not even just hearing "you need to eat more" from mom, or all the concerned looks when I eat a normal portion of food instead of getting massive portions, but my biology major friends telling me what to eat or what they think is good or bad for me. I've done my research, everyone, I promise…
  • Apple Cinnamon Spice tea. It's sweet enough that I don't crave desert, but it's 0 calories and full of cinnamon, which is really good for you! Add a little honey if you want (because the cinnamon makes it a little bitter toward the end) and you're good. I don't crave chocolate, so I don't know if this will help kick a…
  • Hi, guys!~ Bigender individual here. I use female pronouns, probably because I'm biologically female, so I'm used to it and I'm not really 'out' as bigender, but I prefer more 'male' words if I have to pick between male or female (ie. I like to be called a prince instead of a princess <3). I think my expression is more…