

  • I think it most certainly depends on how much too - if you're a fan of a much sweeter, milk chocolate, then two squares every couple of days is probably not going to do you any harm at all - especially if you exercise a lot, so you can quickly burn through the sugars and stop it from clinging to thighs/hips/bum - as…
  • Absolutely definitely have to agree with this - watch the video and read this tumblr. Make your own mind up about it, but have a think about it as a whole - they should be spread together, they're not in opposition.
  • Further information: Kony 2012, named after the infamous leader of Christian terrorist group the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), is a film and campaign by humanitarian group Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, "not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for…
  • I almost posted this on here - such an enormous community to open this up to. This is a brilliant video and hopefully, it'll change the world - if we can get enough people helping and that can only happen if people know, so spread the word wherever you can, let everyone know about this man and about his crimes against…
  • Alternatively, irrespective of skill, you could try music/singing! Singing out loud is supposed to be really good for your spirits and is a great way to keep your mouth and mind occupied on something else. So what I suggest is that you put together a playlist of proper feel-good anthems that you can sing/shout/scream along…
  • You don't look like you have a lot to do! Just make sure you do loads of exercise to really tone up - that'll give you a similar body shape but you may not reach the same weight as your muscle may make you slightly heavier than you expect. I really don't think you've got far though! Just do loads of exercises and lots of…
  • I'm definitely having a similar problem - they are quite horribly my problem area so I'd appreciate the advice on this too! Some suggestions that have previously been made to me are to do those bench sits against a wall - where you sit with your back against the wall so you're thighs are parallel to the ground and you hold…