

  • I loveeeeeeee to add kale and spinach to my smoothies. I am not a huge fan of seedy fruits so I stick to peaches, mangos bananas. sometimes I will add raspberries or strawberries though! Also with ice =) If I have it i will add the protien powder but I have yet to find a great one I like.
  • Good job! You know what? I used to play on my ps3 for hours a day after work, not that I have been working out I just haven't had time! It's been 15 days since I last logged in, you just gotta start making exercise a habit not a routine and that way you'll be more prone to doing it. But don't make yourself suffer, if you…
  • Awesome, i'd love to help you get to your goal! I am a few pounds more than you but have the same goal as you, so I think it'd be great. I'm on everyday!