ACTIVE and POSITIVE friends please add me!

I joined this site awhile ago and lost so much weight but then put on 13 pounds back! Now I'm looking to get back in the game, with some active friends who might be able to suggest alternatives or look at my diary and give me some advice :) We can swap ideas etc! I'm currently 152lbs at 5'4" and looking to be about 120lbs! Please no pro-anorexia adds. I can't see someone logging only 300 calories and saying that's too much! It really hurts my self-esteem and I'd love to lose weight the right and HEALTHY way. If you have an eating disorder, this is not against you. I just need really positive influence and hopefully I can be yours! <3



  • Awesome, i'd love to help you get to your goal! I am a few pounds more than you but have the same goal as you, so I think it'd be great. I'm on everyday!