Stepping away from the Xbox to lose 20 lbs

Hey! I'm Michelle and I'm looking for friends on here to help motivate me, and so I can do my best to motivate them. I really want to lose just 20 lbs more, so I'm (partially) giving up gaming on my Xbox until I'm satisfied with my weight. It's like a little reward for me once I'm done. I lost 16 lbs last year around this time of year, and I really want to do the same this year, only not give up! (Something about spring just makes me want to be active, I guess.)

Oh, and I'm getting back into exercise by using Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I can't wait to see results, and support my friends on here every step of the way in our weightloss journeys.


  • lucipurrr
    Good job! You know what? I used to play on my ps3 for hours a day after work, not that I have been working out I just haven't had time! It's been 15 days since I last logged in, you just gotta start making exercise a habit not a routine and that way you'll be more prone to doing it. But don't make yourself suffer, if you want to play a couple games here and there then go for it! I am sure theres parental settings you could set up to have the xbox turn off after a certain amount of time so you have that extra push! Add me if you'd like =)
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Not to play devil's advocate here, but I lost weight WITH my xbox. I was really into the Fallout games over summer, but I made sure for every 2 hours I was playing Fallout, I would put aside 1/2 an hour to play Just Dance or Dance Central or Your Shape 2012.
    So if I played video games for six hours, I would have to strap on my HRM and get dancing for an hour and a half before bed.
    I lost at least 10lbs just through Kinect games and diet :D
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Get one of those UFC trainer games or the Kinect trainer games, work on your diet and wham. Best of both worlds?

    Fix your diet and the rest should come right off, miss.
  • CitrusKiss
    CitrusKiss Posts: 23 Member
    I would use Kinect if I could afford a new Kinect game. c:
    I actually lost 16 lbs through Dance Central 2 last year, but I'm so sick of that game by now that I don't even want to think about putting it into the Xbox. Maybe once my 30 Day Shred is over, I'll see if there are any Kinect games for cheap. Thanks for the suggestions!
  • JannaJ02
    JannaJ02 Posts: 35 Member
    Jillian's 30 Day Shred is amazing - I love her videos, even if they do get a little repetitive. Good luck and feel free to add me!