Godblessedmom Member


  • Obedience class is a good idea. We have a new dog and I have used the tips by Cesar. It is working. Here is a link. https://www.cesarsway.com/dog-training/walking/6-tips-for-mastering-the-dog-walk You can find videos on Cesar Millan and his way of walking a dog. Good luck!!
  • Keep up the hard work! Proud of you for trying and for your honesty. Watch for sales in the grocery store. Baby carrots, apples, and yogurt go on sale often. Freezer meals for the crockpot are great, fast and easy. I like a little lemon juice in my water or some generic water flavoring once in a while. You can do this and…
  • I agree with her comments. If stress and difficult situations are part of your problem, maybe you need to see a counselor. They could help you manage your stress so you can focus on a all around healthier lifestyle. Maybe you can find someone who specializes in eating disorders to assist you with your eating issues as…
  • My family eats the same thing as I or my husband makes. I have 3 little kids, but they are not fussy eaters. Nobody gets separate foods at our house. Regarding the correct data, you can click on the recipe tab and enter your own recipe that calculate it for you. I have done most of our favorites that way. Some places like…
  • YEAH!!! That is awesome!!! My husband has joined me as well. It is so nice to have that extra close support!!
  • Bump-PCOS's myself and want to see the answers! I have not found the solution yet either, but have also had 3 kids!!
  • My best friend and I are getting a tattoo at 50lbs lost for each of us. Will be my first! Most likely sisters in an infinity loop. I also want to get a butterfly or a african violet at 100lbs in memory of my Grandma. Both of these are my motivation to work hard!!!
  • I agree with Sharon. Try to have a steady amount of carbs. I have lost weight this way as well. My symptoms are better, but not sure if it is specifically from the carbs or the loss of weight. Best advice other than diet and exercise: a really good physician to prescribe the right combination of medications to allow you to…
  • What do you do after you work out other than snack? Maybe you need a hobby to keep you busy. I found that I liked to snack in the evening while winding down watching TV. I love to crochet, so now I do that to keep my hands and mind busy. Do you like to do anything for a hobby. Organizing pictures, crafts, puzzles, etc.…
  • I have lost one of my cocker spaniels!! LOL!!
  • Thanks for all the ideas. I know it is a splurge, but thought it would still be healthier than going out to eat for them. I probably would all of my calories in one meal at Famous Dave's. Again, thanks so much!!!
  • Awesome idea!!
  • My mom has my Great Grandma African Violet that is so old I could not even tell you. But my Grandma has been gone for 27 years and mom had it before that. I don't know how long Grandma had it. It still blooms beautiful purple flowers. (Don't know how to quote yet.) It reminded me of my Grandma that passed. That is other…
  • Awesome idea!!
  • I agree. We each have our battles. if you click on Community and then groups, you can search for a weight gaining group. Good luck and try to relax. God has control and we can only change so much!:flowerforyou:
  • I have gotten: an African violet, new purse, girl's night out to the movies and plan on getting a tattoo at 50lbs and 100lbs!
  • Medication side effects can be a huge challenge. Trust me I know! I have PCOS and insulin resistance and require prescription medications which makes weight loss very hard. I agree with the trying the food scale and measure everything. Watch salt intake. Maybe try to increase your exercise by 5-10 mins and/or decrease your…
  • Take out a picture of your highest weight. Look at it. What can you do better now than at the time of the picture? Do you remember what you felt like then? What part of your routine is getting you down? What can we do to change it? I look at myself and see how more active I am now for my kids. I also went down a waterslide…
  • I am a 30 something mom of 3 kids (almost 2,4,7 years old). I am a busy, part time working mom. I have always struggled with my weight and am finally taking time/attention for myself. I have been doing well on MFP, but lost my main local support. I have a long ways to go and need more support. I am also an emotional eater…
  • I only liked Ezekiel bread toasted. I put either peanut butter on it or cut up a hard boiled egg. They are very filling, but after a while I did not mind it. English muffins are great with low calorie jelly/jam. Breakfast sandwiches with egg, cheese, and a meat are great as well, but of course more calories. On the other…