Wow, those are amazing ideas guys! Thanks!
Crap. Okay, thanks everyone!
Thanks! Very helpful info.
Oh, okay. Thanks everyone!
Thanks! That's a good mix up.
Wow! You're beautiful and hot. I hope I can look like you someday! I'm so envious and proud of your progress!
Thanks! That makes sense. Would dumbbells help build strength and resistance?
I'm glad you asked this! I keep seeing something similar all over Pinterest too.
LOL. That cheered me up! Thanks.
I have a counselor but I can't see him until Monday. Also thanks.
I'm okay now guys! Thank you for everything! Sorry for the late response. I have the flu now and I think it might have been brought on by the excessive amount of diuretics. I'm not gonna touch those again for awhile!
It's probably water weight. You've only started working out. Your body weight will go down soon. It's okay. Just keep trying! Don't give up!
LOL! The, 'big dump' part is true! Today I pooped for the first time in a week. I know that's kind of TMI, but I'm happy my body finally managed to do it! Thanks girls so much! Your replies have been very helpful.
I wish I had read your replies first because I already binged!!! I did a major binge, too. I'm trying to stay calm. I plan on doing a major cardio workout tonight to help compensate.