A big squishy bike seat actually makes riding a bicycle more uncomfortable. I know it sounds counter-intuitive and this is a common misunderstanding among non-cyclists. It has to do with the fact that when pedaling a bike you need support at your "sit bones" and not anywhere else. This is because the padding/gel/whatever…
I'm interested to see how this goes. Keep posting updates for sure.
Zupas is evil. Everything on their menus is high calorie mostly processed carbs and fat, fat, fat and we're not talking the good kind of fat either.
I always log the uncooked amount + anything I add. That way i don't have to weigh it after it's cooked and get some looser amount for the caloric value. This is true of brown/white rice, quinoa and lots of other grains/pastas that change how much they weigh when cooked in liquid. When in doubt get all the dry measurements…
My before/during the before was a few years ago but I have been heavy my entire adult life. The During picture was last weekend.
Good low-fat sources of protein that I've found: String Cheese Cottage Cheese Canned Tuna Nutritional Yeast (not to be confused with Brewer's yeast, yuck) Plain Greek Yogurt Homemade Jerky (Beef, Turkey, Venison, whatever you like) Milk Whey Powder There are lots of options out there, my biggest thing has just been to try…
Monday through Friday - Cycling (10,15,18, or 20-30+ miles depending on the day) Saturday and Sunday - Rest I'm training for a century ride though, after the race on June 1st I'm going to go back to more of a balance between cycling and strength training, might even join a crossfit gym, we'll see.
This is what I've been doing lately and has worked wonderfully. I've reduced carbs down to 40% of my daily intake and upped both protein and fat so that I can maintain that. It has been great, I'm not hungry, I have lots of energy, and I'm really enjoying finding new sources of protein like cottage cheese and different…
Up at 6:30 workout til 7:30 At work by 8, home by 5 Sometimes I'll run in the evening if my morning workout was weight lifting. In bed by 10:30 Rinse and repeat!
A couple of weeks
As counter-intuitive as this might sound: Drink more water! Seriously, you probably gain water weight from having excess sodium in your diet, the only way to get rid of that is to "flush" it out of your system by being fully hydrated. Only when you are fully hydrated will your weight not fluctuate as much to do water…
Thanks for the responses. I like the idea of a salad to start. I will definitely try this one. I also enjoy miso soup so that will be something to try as well. Are there any ideas on what I eat before I begin my fast to help or is it generally accepted that after 24 hours I'm going to be hungry no matter what I ate the…
I'd say 2000 calories is fine, just looking back through one week of your diary though and I would HIGHLY recommend increasing your protein intake by like double.
I feel your pain, honestly I do, in my 58 pound loss I've hit that wall that you're talking about twice. The thing that got me through it the first time was going from 3 workouts a week to 5 workouts a week. Not too bad. The second wall was very difficult and I almost slipped back into old ways quickly. But I decided to…