babybluex3 Member


  • I have adjusted my calorie intake, ate a little more yesterday. I try to eat back the calories, but I work out at night, which makes it difficult as I don't eat after 8pm. I guess I will have to make an effort to accomodate during the days that I work out. Thanks for the imput -Tiffany
  • Recently read in a running magazine that that happens alot with running. What you need to do is add in some high intensity interval running. I am sure if you look around you may be able to find a pod cast or something that will tell you when to run hard and when to slow it down. Might be just what you need to kick your…
  • OMG I could not get up at 4am to workout to save my life LOL My husband leave for work before 6am no I don't have extra help in the mornings My kids are 3. 6 & 9 I workout (on my eliptycal machine) 3 days a week after they go to bed. That really is the only time I can squeeze it in. I try to be on from 8-8:30ish as if I…
  • hI, i AM A MOM OF THREE BOYS AGES 3,5,&9 The boys are getting older (not having any more kids) there are no excuses anymore to not lose the weight The problem is time I don't know how other moms do it... I am exausted by the time they are all in bed. My husband has been helping to motivate by exercising with me 3x per…
  • Hi All, just joined today, Giving things an honest try here, SW: 212 GW (by easter is 199) total Goal weight is 180 anyone else figting thyroid or other issues at the same time?