kae2one0 Member


  • Who is active. I'm kinda new again. On and off but just joined this group.
  • i have tried 5 so far... Whey protein from Walmart.. would not recommend Vi-Shape.. taste like cream comes with mix in flavor packs.. ok Atkins Advantage.. another ok one Muscle Milk.. pretty good but favorite so far is Slim Fast Strawberry protein powder mix of course i'm only recommending based on taste
  • i have a regular GTC blender, and love it, but i'm going to get me one of those in the pic above..
  • yeah, no this is just a jump start, to help my body adjust to being limited... im not only on liquids, in fact i ate lubys today for lunch. i have 2 shakes, 3 snacks, and 1 complete meal a day. been on it for a week, and i have to admit its working, because before i would eat almost 2 fried fish, mash potatoes, mac and…
  • well the bottle isnt as bad as the past 30 years of stuff i have been putting into myself. i know all chemicals are bad and all, but i just started the life style change and to try to go completely organic would probably send my body into shock. two 10 oz bottles isnt to bad.. at least i dont think so.. plus im an ex…
  • i am doing it kind of... its very hard... i started doing what is called the Slim Fast 3-2-1 diet, its a real challenge for some one like me who likes to eat. but in a week, i have lost almost 10 pounds... i work out doing a lot of cardio workouts, almost an hour every night. the meal plan is on the slim fast site, or…
  • oh forgot to mention i take a few vitamins, green tea, a multi vitamin, and also b-complex.. you might want to look into that, i take a combo of a diet supplement and a metabolism booster... haha didnt realize i put buster, meant booster..
  • water, and lots of it... before you eat, drink a glass full of water, it will help to give you that full feeling... i am doing the 321 (slim fast) diet, and i drink a 16 oz bottle in the morning on the way to work, around three 24 oz bottles of water at work, then like 2 or 3 more 16 oz bottles at home.. you can also eat…
  • hi Meredith, thanks for the add... yes the kinect is a blast, if you get one get the Your Shape Evolved game, really fun but pay no attention to the calorie counter add on, it doesnt work to good, i am currently looking for a HRM to help me track my calorie burning better..
  • im really late on this, just got the your shape game... noticed the same thing... i'm doing the diet and exercise, and was wondering did you notice any weight lose using the game? was is a small or large amount? i am trying to get my fitness plan lined up, but last night when i jogged in place for 5 minutes, and only…