

  • omlettes are easy. chop up any vege you want it it, i usually go with capsicum/corn/tomato/onion and i will add a little bacon or ham if i have it. Fry the vege and meat in the pan for a few minutes with a little oil, then pour in lightly beaten eggs. give it a little mix so everything spreads out evenly. Just before the…
  • I would prefer to be slim that skinny. To me, skinny is underweight. But everyone has different ideas of what skinny looks like. I would just say thank you and leave it at that.
  • My current routine is 1 latte and 2 slices of raisin toast lightly buttered. I eat that about 8am and find I am getting hungry at about 10.30. I am going to add 1 cup of fruit to this next week to see if that holds me through to lunch.
  • Hi Nicole! I am trying to come out of a slump like that myself at the moment. This week I haven't been motivated to eat as well as I should or do any exercise at all. I am lucky to have not put any weight on, but I know I need to snap out of it now before I do. The way I am trying to look at it now is very small steps,…
  • Hi Elise! You look fabulous! You've worked so very hard and its paid off. You are the inspiriation I needed to get off my butt and take action back in January. The support i received after joining MFP (at your recommendation) has helped me learn so much and got me through some tough days. Thank you for being you and…
  • Hi Debbie, have you spoken to your doctor at all? I saw my gp before I started my weightloss journey and she recommended a low cal diet, which lead me to MFP. If its not working it may be that your eating the wrong types of food to stay under calorie goal, or maybe it just isnt the right type of diet for you. I eat…
  • idrive300 is right. Patience is the key factor in weightloss. I tried to lose weight before and my willpower was weak, so when it didnt happen fast enough i gave up. Now i have set up MFP and am working towards being a slim healthy bride next year. I am averging .5kg (1.1lb) loss per week and so long as i keep going down i…
  • I was exactly the same. Hated what i saw in the mirror and hated myself for letting me get like that. Ive got 2 nephews and a niece that love running around at the park and i hated that i could make it more than a few minutes. Add to that my upcoming wedding in June 2014 i decided enough was enough. I've tried the typical…
  • I was told once that to measure my true weight I must be completely naked, have pee'd and poo'd first, and not had anything to eat or drink that day yet. So I do that.
  • Its good to have a binge day every now and then. Seeing that you have done so well for 4 weeks then 1 day isnt going to make a huge impact. The key is to get back on track the next day. Drink plenty of water, stick to your calorie limit, and get in some exercise. Dont get yourself down about it, you deserve a treat day and…
  • Hi, I am quite new to this calorie counting program as well. I would advise you go see your gp, tell him/her what you are doing and how its making you feel. I did that first, we ran some blood tests and saw i was vitamin d deficient, so i have started on a course of tablets for that. Ild say if you were like me and didnt…