Help! i'm new to this. Share some stories please? (:

Hi , I just joined this today and I'm figuring out how to use it. I need help on losing weight ):
I'm 18
183 pounds.
My goal is 130-135.
Anyone have any weight-loss stories they'd like to share?

I've been trying as hard as I can to lose weight but, my weight always comes back on.
I started insanity this Monday and I'm getting through it. It's a bit hard but, i get through the workouts without giving up.
I read so much about it and no one had any real results. I haven't lost any weight yet.
I just want to know how to eat and how long I wait until I see results.

My story : I use to weigh 220 pounds 2 years ago. I lost my first 30 on treadmill and My last 10 on Wii Fit. Ever since then, I CAN'T lose weight. No matter what I did , no matter how hard I work to lose it, i haven't even lost a single pound/



  • TheSwoleMinister_deleted
    Biggest piece of advice I can give is to be patient. To many people quit on their goals too soon because they don't see results fast enough. Remember you didn't get to the weight you are now overnight, so it won't all come off that fast either :-) Logging your food will also keep you honest with yourself, and be a great tool as you go forward with your journey to read how your body reacts to certain types of diets, etc.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want, and also I have a video blog on YouTube at davesmfpvlog. I post new videos all the time!

    Stay positive!
  • MyProgressISYour1Proof
    check out my blog and just as he suggested, patience plus dedication. You can do it!!
  • wobblybitz87
    idrive300 is right. Patience is the key factor in weightloss. I tried to lose weight before and my willpower was weak, so when it didnt happen fast enough i gave up. Now i have set up MFP and am working towards being a slim healthy bride next year. I am averging .5kg (1.1lb) loss per week and so long as i keep going down i am happy.
    Set yourself mini goals along the way as well. I weighed 87kgs (192lb) at the start of my journey, my first mini goal is 80kgs (176lb) and I am really close. My big goal is 60-62kgs (132-136lb). Setting the mini goals helps me realise my acheivements quicker than just setting my sights on the final goal.
  • Amandaaa333
    I'm sorry. I forgot to mention that I've been trying for about 4 months now and I can't seem to lose any weight ): I've been way too patient.
  • Dakryn
    Dakryn Posts: 155 Member
    are you eating enough calories? if youre not sure about BMR or TDEE google scooby calculator and it will explain it...especially if youre doing insanity, you need to eat more...there are people on this site that burn 800 calories with one day of insanity, then on top of that they need to eat their alloted calories...just do a little research and not give up...if its been four months, something needs to change, and im thinking it may be the number of calories youre eating, since its not the workout... Good luck and feel free to add me too...
  • acq8028
    acq8028 Posts: 9
    Hey, like other members have said, you have to be patient. Losing weight is not a easy process and you will not see results fast. Even when you do start to lose weight you still may not see a big change in your body even though others will be able to see it. If you are eating healthy and are doing insanity program, I guarantee you will lose weight. I did Shaun T's insanity and asylum programs with a group of friends a couple years ago and we all had very good weight loss results. it will work for you, just keep working