laserqueen Member


  • Congratulations! That took lots of work and determination.
  • I'm so very sorry this happened to you. I am happy for you, though, that it happened sooner rather than later. On the cusp of our 20th wedding anniversary, my husband sent me a letter addressed to "Fail Whale" detailing how I had failed to lose enough weight to satisfy him from even before our marriage. We are finally…
  • Hi Everyone! I'm 50 and starting on a journey to a healthier life. I've got about 100 pounds to lose, and friendship and support will help, I'm sure. I am a divorced mother with two kids, 14 and 12, and work fulltime. Eating healthy meals and increasing physical strength and activity are goals for everyone in our family.…
  • I'm in for the daily food deadline challange. Today is a fast day, and I will stop eating by 6:00 today. On regular days, 9:00 pm will have to do as we frequently eat late in the summer/early fall. Next fast day I will be more prepared and do the one meal thing to enable a longer fast. Onward we go!
  • Well, this morning I actually did my long neglected yoga routine. I can't say it felt great- but it did feel good- I've lost a lot of flexibility in the past 6 months or so. Just getting into the beginning pose was enough stretch for some of my neglected parts! I want to do the routine one more time before Monday... Good…
  • Hello All! Today is my first fast day this week. I plan to do two fast days in a row, fits more easily into my schedule, we'll see how it works. I try very hard to not eat back exercise calories, therein lies a slippery slope to an unhealthy relationship between exercise and food for me. I am still tracking on the off…
  • Well, right now I am moving furniture around the house and many trips up and down stairs after work. My goal is to put my yoga routine back in my life- I know it is good for me in so many ways- it feels wonderful everytime. The next few weeks I hope to have all of my ex's things returned to him and a lot of stuff sent off…
  • Hello all! This is only my second week of following the 5:2 plan. I am very happy to find this group just starting out. I have juice fasted before, so have learned that I can make it through some very hungry times without perishing. I would like to see a good jump start on my weight loss during the three months of this…
  • At this point, the food is not as much of a challange as putting a yoga workout back in to my life. This week I will do my previously regular yoga workout twice. My fast days are Thursday and Friday. I am learning that I do control absolutely everything that goes in my mouth.