Has anyone ever been dumped because of their weight?

2 weeks ago, my boyfriend of 7 months broke up with me because I am 'too fat for him.' He is 170 pounds and 6'3. I WAS 192.2 pounds and 5'3. Right now I'm 174.4 pounds. He said that for the past few months he lost all attraction towards me, he said I was too fat and I need to lose weight. Has anyone else ever been broken up with because their partner wasn't attracted to them/because of their weight? It is a horrible feeling, but he opened my eyes on my health.


  • swimn10s
    swimn10s Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Tayant4. I think your ex needs glasses cause you look really cute to me :-). That being said I agree with lessismoreohi. Take it as his own shallowness, and you shouldn't want to be with someone who judges you as a person based on your weight.
  • keshabbaker
    keshabbaker Posts: 152 Member
    You are better off without him. You should lose weight for yourself and never for anyone else. There plenty of fish in the sea and believe me they like girls in all different shapes and sizes. Get healthy don't worry about your weight just eat right and exercise. He doesn't deserve you and he is the one who will be missing out. Let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!!!!!!!
  • Actually, I was dating back in the day when I was skinny and I was told by more than one of my dates that I was too skinny. Now that I have gained weight I have had no complaints. Guys like a little more...
    But I agree with lessismoreohio, your ex-boyfriend's comments are a reflection of his immaturity rather than your appearance.
  • oremus1
    oremus1 Posts: 100 Member
    how can he love yu for richer/pooer in sickness/health if he cant handle a bit of flab
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    Yes.. I had had our second baby in two years and was 30lbs heavier, while still nursing our youngest.

    "I was everything he wanted in a woman; kind, giving, sweet.... but not pretty enough"......................

    I lost the 30lbs within 6 weeks of stopping nursings once my hormones regulated (I was eating healthy and working out as I did pre-pregnancy, but the human body is a complex machine). I then lost another 15...

    and the best part is, my part time fitness instructor ex... has gained every one of those 30lbs I lost...

    so, yeah...... it blows people's mind.
  • _BearNecessities_
    _BearNecessities_ Posts: 432 Member
    What you describe is more a reflection of his shallowness and immaturity than it is of your weight.

    He sounds like a bully and you may be better off without him.

    I agree with the first part of this. OP, your ex is an idiot. Good riddance.

    The second part, however, I could not disagree more with. "Bully" is a term that is used WAY too easily in this day and age. OP's ex is a jerk and a turd, but nothing in that OP suggests bullying.
    Actually, I was dating back in the day when I was skinny and I was told by more than one of my dates that I was too skinny. Now that I have gained weight I have had no complaints. Guys like a little more...

    Not necessarily. Depends on the guy. Shockingly, we all like different things.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    What you describe is more a reflection of his shallowness and immaturity than it is of your weight.

    He sounds like a bully and you may be better off without him.

    I agree with the first part of this. OP, your ex is an idiot. Good riddance.

    The second part, however, I could not disagree more with. "Bully" is a term that is used WAY too easily in this day and age. OP's ex is a jerk and a turd, but nothing in that OP suggests bullying.
    Actually, I was dating back in the day when I was skinny and I was told by more than one of my dates that I was too skinny. Now that I have gained weight I have had no complaints. Guys like a little more...

    Not necessarily. Depends on the guy. Shockingly, we all like different things.

    Say it ain't so!

  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    No I have not.

    I have had sex withheld though. That was mature.
  • Oh hell no. I have put on 80lbs since meeting my husband 6 years ago. He still thinks I'm beautiful. Though I am losing weight but that is more for me than him.

    You need someone who loves you for you.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    Sure, but I dated a plethora of guys over the course of my 42 years of hunting for Mr. Right (to whom I am now blissfully wed). In this case, though, it sounds like he felt he needed a "parting shot" to make it your fault not his that he was bailing out.

    T'is always better to be the dumper than the dumpee. Sadly, we take our chances when we embark upon relationships. Some end with a handshake; some (like this one of yours) end when someone decides to be an *kitten* on his way out the door.

    Illigitimi non carborundum -- ersatz Latin for "Don't let the *kitten* grind you down."
  • _SantaClause
    _SantaClause Posts: 335 Member

    Her doing it was the wake up call I needed. I wasn't treating myself the way I should have been. Of course, there were some other circumstances as well.

    We are still friends to this day, and my life is 100x better because of her.
  • dMonster01
    dMonster01 Posts: 214 Member
    You can't really blame him. Without attraction a relationship is doomed, at least he was honest about it. Hurtful, yes, but it would hurt a lot more to be with someone who doesn't find you attractive.
  • It's bizarre that he would leave you for "being too fat" even though he started dating you when you were 20 pounds heavier.

    Here's an interesting fact (and I'm going to preface this by saying that, based on your picture, you are extremely pretty): sometimes people are better looking when they're heavier. I'm one of them. My husband, who's been with me since we were teenagers, tells me all the time that he prefers how I look at 230 pounds (my current weight) to how I looked at 150 pounds (what I weighed when we started dating).

    In our society, we often use "fat" as a synonym for "ugly." So when someone becomes uglier to us, our knee-jerk reaction, sometimes, is to think or to say--hey, they've gotten fatter... even if, actually, they've gotten skinnier.

    So, it could be that he's less attracted to you at your new smaller weight, but he has limited vocabulary and the only descriptor he can come up with is "fat."

    Either way, it sounds like you're better off without him. He's either. a.) stupid with a tiny vocabulary, b.) shallow, or c.) both.

    You're hot. Go find someone who doesn't suck.
  • 2 weeks ago, my boyfriend of 7 months broke up with me because I am 'too fat for him.' He is 170 pounds and 6'3. I WAS 192.2 pounds and 5'3. Right now I'm 174.4 pounds. He said that for the past few months he lost all attraction towards me, he said I was too fat and I need to lose weight. Has anyone else ever been broken up with because their partner wasn't attracted to them/because of their weight? It is a horrible feeling, but he opened my eyes on my health.

    You lost 17.8 lbs in two weeks? Wow! That's really impressive! And while his actions suck, when you're done and he's all hot and bothered, you can tell him he's too much of a douche for you to be attracted to him!