Has anyone ever been dumped because of their weight?



  • _BearNecessities_
    _BearNecessities_ Posts: 432 Member
    You can't really blame him. Without attraction a relationship is doomed, at least he was honest about it. Hurtful, yes, but it would hurt a lot more to be with someone who doesn't find you attractive.

    BULLY!!!!!!!!! :angry:
  • ILoveMyHotFatBody
    Actually, I was dating back in the day when I was skinny and I was told by more than one of my dates that I was too skinny. Now that I have gained weight I have had no complaints. Guys like a little more...
    But I agree with lessismoreohio, your ex-boyfriend's comments are a reflection of his immaturity rather than your appearance.

    Right on.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    I was doing an overhead squat the other day and lost my balance and had to dump the weight, so yeah. .

    wait. .wut?
  • eranganm8
    eranganm8 Posts: 37 Member
    Yeah I was... not directly but indirectly... his parents were so envious of our relationship b'coz I was too fat and too dark.. and he took his parents opinion and dumped me.. (what he said was he had no problem with my appearance but he cannot go against his parents wishes) I loved him so very much and I couldn't get over him for 3 years now. for about a year I did stress eating and became huge.. then he hooked up with another girl,and his parents didn't like her too.. but he married her against his parents wishes. so I guess in my case he actually secretly wanted to dump me bcoz I was not good enough in his eyes. how ever last year I thought what the hell and really wanted to change myself for my own sake. I was fed up being FATTY. His parents attitudes were ringing over and over and over in my ears. I was so sad to think that he might have not loved me really. so I exchange sorrow, anger and frustration in to sweat and strength.. in a year I lost 17kgs.. last time when he saw me he was shocked to see me in average size., even all of his friends said that I was looking hot and way better than his wife.. :p and said he was an idiot to loose me.. But I don't care anymore.. now I'm so doing this for myself and myself only.and for that thing not to happen I would still be a FATTY..

    So you go girl.... make it backfire on him...
  • Kontxesi
    Kontxesi Posts: 86 Member
    I actually think that my ex was dating me BECAUSE I'm fat. (He's not exactly little, either.) He was "supportive" of me losing weight, but also trying to subtly sabotage me.... He wanted to keep me fat so I'd feel like other guys wouldn't want me.

    It's a little silly that it took him 7 months to figure out that he doesn't like bigger girls, so maybe that wasn't even his real reason? Who knows. All that's important is this: you don't need to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you. There are plenty of people out there who will love you the way you are now but also be supportive of your goals to get healthier. You'll find one! :)
  • Sendyk
    Sendyk Posts: 15 Member
    I was doing an overhead squat the other day and lost my balance and had to dump the weight, so yeah. .

    wait. .wut?

    LOL. Nice.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    No, I got fat after I was married. However after I lost my gut she opted to replace the wedding band I lost 33 years ago.
  • tayleigh4
    tayleigh4 Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you EVERYONE for your kind words. And thank you to the sarcastic *kitten*.
  • tayleigh4
    tayleigh4 Posts: 90 Member
    Success is the best revenge.

    I totally agree!! Xo.
  • tayleigh4
    tayleigh4 Posts: 90 Member
    It seems strange that he would date you for 7 months and then when you are losing weight decide that he thinks you are too heavy. It's a late reaction, right?

    Regardless, I am sorry that you are going through this. Keep taking care of yourself and don't let it get you off track. You are doing great.

    I thought the same thing myself! Like why date someone if you're not attracted to them in the first place? He clearly has problems. I have been doing so well with my mental & physical health. Thank you so much. 47 pounds, that's amazing!! Keep up your good work!!
  • tayleigh4
    tayleigh4 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Tayant4. I think your ex needs glasses cause you look really cute to me :-). That being said I agree with lessismoreohi. Take it as his own shallowness, and you shouldn't want to be with someone who judges you as a person based on your weight.

    Thank you! I definitely don't. I deserve someone who loves me for exactly who I am. Same goes for you :)
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    He's a heel and a douche but he was honest and OMG that SUCKS but at least he didn't lie to you about why.

    Don't get me wrong....he still sucks. But it's making you motivate yourself. You will find someone better. Just don't stop getting healthy if you meet someone tomorrow haha.

    Just don't ever go out with him again, ok??? He doesn't deserve a girlfriend.

    added>>> and yes, you are completely adorable!!!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    NO. When I was skinny an ex would always say he'd stop loving me if I "got fat". I had an injury several years later (we were already broken up but still playing the ex's tryna get back together on again off again game.) So after that injury I got fat. Very. He actually said he loved me more. I still lost the weight anyways b/c it was aggravating my injury.

    Now my husband says he won't like it if I get too thin. I think since he's never seen me as very thin, he doesn't know what he's talking about either and might like me more. IDK. All I know is being fat is uncomfortable (at least for me) and I need to be skinny to be happy. Or at least what others consider skinny, but what I consider, just fine. I'm short, it's hell carrying this extra weight.
  • tayleigh4
    tayleigh4 Posts: 90 Member
    What you describe is more a reflection of his shallowness and immaturity than it is of your weight.

    He sounds like a bully and you may be better off without him.

    He is no doubt a bully! I am. I deserve so much better.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I'm speculating but to me it sounds like he just needed a reason so he picked the first one he could come up with.

    You know, instead of just saying it wasn't working out, he just made it your fault (even though you weigh less than you did when you first met).

    So yeah. Good riddance.
  • tayleigh4
    tayleigh4 Posts: 90 Member
    You are better off without him. You should lose weight for yourself and never for anyone else. There plenty of fish in the sea and believe me they like girls in all different shapes and sizes. Get healthy don't worry about your weight just eat right and exercise. He doesn't deserve you and he is the one who will be missing out. Let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!!!!!!!

    Love this! Thank you for the encouragement. I would never lose weight for him, I'm doing this for myself :) but I know damn well when I'm at my goal he will want me back. Too bad.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Yes.. I had had our second baby in two years and was 30lbs heavier, while still nursing our youngest.

    "I was everything he wanted in a woman; kind, giving, sweet.... but not pretty enough"......................

    I lost the 30lbs within 6 weeks of stopping nursings once my hormones regulated (I was eating healthy and working out as I did pre-pregnancy, but the human body is a complex machine). I then lost another 15...

    and the best part is, my part time fitness instructor ex... has gained every one of those 30lbs I lost...

    so, yeah...... it blows people's mind.

    YOU are super pretty....what an idiot.
  • tayleigh4
    tayleigh4 Posts: 90 Member
    You say he opened your eyes to your health and that's good. However, if he cared about you, exactly for who you are, then he would have (should have) spoken to you as an equal and expressed his concerns for your health. Not dumped you.

    I have always been so hard on myself over my weight and one time my husband finally told me "It makes me sad when you talk about yourself that way, because I love you for you. And I think you're beautiful." I don't know how I got so lucky, hold out for someone that looks at you exactly that way! You won't be sorry!

    I'm sorry you are hurting, lose weight and get healthy for you and no one else! Then, when he comes crawling back to you, think of how fun it will be to laugh in his face and tell him that he doesn't deserve you!!!!! Because I can guarantee, he doesn't!

    I totally agree, he could have just been nice about it. The way he said it to me was so mean and unnecessary. That is so sweet how your husband loves you for you, you ARE beautiful. You did get very lucky, you deserve to hear those words everyday :) I can't wait until the day he says he made a mistake. No honey, I did! ;)
  • tayleigh4
    tayleigh4 Posts: 90 Member
    Actually, I was dating back in the day when I was skinny and I was told by more than one of my dates that I was too skinny. Now that I have gained weight I have had no complaints. Guys like a little more...
    But I agree with lessismoreohio, your ex-boyfriend's comments are a reflection of his immaturity rather than your appearance.

    I'm starting to realize that, thanks girl. You look great :)
  • tayleigh4
    tayleigh4 Posts: 90 Member
    how can he love yu for richer/pooer in sickness/health if he cant handle a bit of flab

    You tell me. Lol.