stringsj Member


  • This made me think of an awards show many years ago that Dolly Paton was at. She sat down and the seam of her dress ripped open, she said, that is what happens when you try to put 10 lbs of potatoes in a 5 lb sack. Then she laughed! I know it must have been horrifying for you but give a giggle and then get with it. It…
  • I also am not thinking about rice pudding! I love that Kozy Shack stuff... And no, I'm not going there!
  • Oops, I hit 'enter' before finishing my punctuation...
  • Dr Oz you make me tired, You talk and talk and it all seems dire. What should we eat to make us lean? Very little it seems, unless it is steamed. I'm happy to see you are healthy and thin. As if we don't notice you tell us again (and again). There are some things I can't help but see, your follower Oprah is not a size 3!…