Really upset/sad

So...I was down to my LAST pair of jeans that fit me. I have a pair of slacks that fit me as well.

The jeans just totally split UP THE BACK when I was getting out of my seat at work.

I am so freaking humiliated right now. I ran to the bathroom, cried, ran back to my desk after I calmed down, got my keys and now Im home...I don't want to go back in, but have to.

I hate this.


  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member

    Sorry hun!

    Target has a great jean selection.. I've always found jeans that fit there...:)
  • bigmamabird
    bigmamabird Posts: 55 Member

    I'm so sorry that happened to you.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Turn that awful experience into motivation. Keep working hard eating well and getting in shape. In a years time you'll look back on this experience and be able to laugh and joke about it. Don't let a pair of torn pants bring you down right now.
  • stringsj
    stringsj Posts: 8 Member
    This made me think of an awards show many years ago that Dolly Paton was at. She sat down and the seam of her dress ripped open, she said, that is what happens when you try to put 10 lbs of potatoes in a 5 lb sack. Then she laughed! I know it must have been horrifying for you but give a giggle and then get with it. It truly is great inspiration to eat right.
  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member

    I'm so sorry that happened to you.
  • porladie
    porladie Posts: 2
    yeah I would be upset to but that just means you know what you have to do so it don't happen again and I don't mean go out and get a bigger size either we are in the same boat ..!!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I'd be upset too,but in the long run,use it as inspiration for following your eating plan. Hey,most of us have had something we hate to remember,but we all got thru it. So can you. We're pulling for you :flowerforyou:
  • vickimac70
    Oh wow. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I can sympathize ... I was getting ready to walk today and since I have exactly zero work-out clothes and it's too warm for jeans I was going to wear my biggest pair of capris. They no longer fit. I wore the jeans. It's a process, right? We'll get there!! Don't let it get you down ... hey, at least it's an excuse to buy yourself something new :)
  • Destinee704
    Destinee704 Posts: 69 Member
    Turn that awful experience into motivation. Keep working hard eating well and getting in shape. In a years time you'll look back on this experience and be able to laugh and joke about it. Don't let a pair of torn pants bring you down right now.

    I totally agree. The scale and a pair of jeans does not define you. We are all beautiful inside and out. Keep your head up and keep your eyes on the prize. Remember you are not alone.
  • sc9576
    sc9576 Posts: 47 Member
    firstly well done for going back to your desk even if it was just to grab your keys!
    I kind of know how you feel, in my last job I had to wear a uniform and the trousers were a very rigid horrible material and we had to wear a white shirt tucked into the trousers well when I stood up the button popped off and the zip gave way which meant I had to make a quick grab for my trousers to stop them falling down whilst going bright red and feeling tears welling up - I had very good colleagues who wolf whistled and started singing the stripper theme which turned the tears to laughter
    I would say buy another pair of jeans and go back to work pretending nothing happened
    Kelly Clarksons trousers ripped on stage but she just carried on
  • psychicmedium26
    I am so sorry this happened to you. My best advice is to pretend you are an actress. When you go back to work "act" confident and laugh it off. Check out goodwill their jeans are often 6 dollars a pair and they have all different sizes and some are in great shape! (Thats where I shop for now while I am losing the weight).
  • Praying_Mantis
    Praying_Mantis Posts: 239 Member
    I am so sorry this happened to you. My best advice is to pretend you are an actress. When you go back to work "act" confident and laugh it off. Check out goodwill their jeans are often 6 dollars a pair and they have all different sizes and some are in great shape! (Thats where I shop for now while I am losing the weight).

    +1 Sorry this happened to you. Do the best you can for the rest of the day and visit the thrift store for a couple of inexpensive options. Tomorrow you can put this episode behind you. :wink:

    ETA: Too soon? I hope you're smiling at the terrible joke at least. Feel better. We've all had something similar happen.
  • RoastyToasty
    RoastyToasty Posts: 17 Member
    I feel for you! I did this a couple weeks ago to my FAVORITE pair of work pants. They are now hanging next to the heavy bag and stationary bike as motivation. That was what got me back to this website!

    Keep your head up and keep at it. It's hard work, but pretty soon those jeans will have been too big anyway :)
  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    I'm so sorry, sweetie. I know how badly that must have felt. Sending many hugs and positive vibes. :flowerforyou:
  • NoMoreStretchyPants
    I'm so sorry :( I think a lot of us have felt as sad as you do now with our weight. I can tell you that for the longest time after I had my daughter (and before I finally got my *kitten* in gear) I was still in maternity pants. I felt awful about myself, and one day I finally had enough. Every time I wanted to binge eat and/or not work out I thought about the fact I was *still* in maternity jeans and it helped me stay on track. Take this experience and turn it into a positive. You can do this!
  • fetchfury
    fetchfury Posts: 84 Member
    If I can ask, did you invest in a good, durable pair of jeans? I work in high end fashion, and denimn wear is SO undurable these days, there are only a small number of brands that make real womens jeans long lasting and flattering. I'm a size 8 -10 and I rip a pair of jeans every 4 - 6 weeks because of the bad quality of making.
    I'm seriously not trying to direct the blame, but seriously. ...don't let anything like that get you down, you're amazing.

  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    So...I was down to my LAST pair of jeans that fit me. I have a pair of slacks that fit me as well.

    The jeans just totally split UP THE BACK when I was getting out of my seat at work.

    I am so freaking humiliated right now. I ran to the bathroom, cried, ran back to my desk after I calmed down, got my keys and now Im home...I don't want to go back in, but have to.

    I hate this.

    Hun once I went to uni in my white jeans.

    At the end of the day I came home and took my jeans off. I had poo'd my pants! I was having stomach problems and instead of staying home and getting better I went to uni.


    Anyway, chin up. You'll lose the weight.
  • trizzletrix
    trizzletrix Posts: 92 Member
    Oh sweets, I feel your pain!
    That happened to me too. In school I was refusing to acknowledge that I had put on weight so was still wearing the same pencil skirts as when I'd weighed 30lbs less.
    One day I bent over to pick up a folder I'd dropped and the seam just split all the way up the back!

    I ran to my car and cried then had to go home early (no way I could stick around with no skirt! and none in the reception spares would have fit me) and tell the school I was sick.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,141 Member
    At least you were wearing underwear, right? Right?

    Here are some choice gifs to make you feel better/laugh:
  • ravenribbs
    ravenribbs Posts: 289 Member
    Ach du lieber!! So sorry you had to deal with this. One of my personal mortifications happened this past Christmas morning, when, in the midst of opening gifts with family, my pajama pants split. On the positive side, no one knew it but me, but it was a necessary kick in the *kitten* for me. Please turn this lemon into lemonade--you WILL giggle about it at some point. Just know you have LOTS of company! :flowerforyou: