

  • make sure you are weighing yourself at the same time every time. I weigh myself first thing in the morning, before i've had anything to eat, and with no clothes on. that way i know i've got the exact same circumstances every time. food in your stomach can add lbs, so can water weight if you're about to start your period or…
  • one big motivator for me is looking at other people's before and after pictures. proof that eventually all this heaving and sweating and dying will pay off and i'll get to where i want to be. another thing i like is how when you log cardio on here, you get bonus calories, and it helps me stay under my goal for the day.…
  • My boyfriend of 7 years and i are both trying to lose the extra weight we put on since back in our high school days. he mainly is just working out and hoping for the best, whereas i am the one on MFP counting calories and logging workouts and checking my weight and measurements every week. I would say he is...…
  • its hard to see change when you're with someone every day. i can definitely see a difference, especially from the back and side. great job! Hope i get the same results!
  • i agree with that one. i'm an emotional/bored eater. so i have to constantly think about "am i actually hungry? is it something else?"
  • Hi :) i'm a knitter and crocheter, would love to be MFP friends. congrats on getting married!