

  • Don't feel bad Hun. You should see me in a pic (uuuygfh!!!) If you can get me to take one. I don't take pics, I don't go out in public. I DONT EVEN LOOK AT MYSELF IN THE MIRROR
  • I don't even remember when I left myself go. I'm only 19 and I remember being 8 and over weight!!! But back then my friends just called it "baby weight" all I heard back then was "Its just baby weight She'll lose it". Then remember back in elementary school, this Guy I liked said he would be my boyfriend if I was "a…
  • Noo I don't have an ED. I'm just full D: Plus I had a late lunch. I'm to full for dinner right now. I figured out that apparently I need 500 Cal's each meal and something more filling other than 50 calorie peaches for each snack. I had 500+ Cal's for breakfast this morning but during lunch my intake started to decrease
  • I just had a dream I was skinny lol!
  • Eeeeh I'm a bit scared if daily weigh ins ( hell I'm scared of weigh ins period) lol But I wanna start weighing in every last day of the month. If I weigh myself to often the scale might go up and then I get scared that I can't do it. Then I get paranoid and give up. Soon once a month for meee.
  • YAAAAY. Now I feel like I just got a boost of self esteem!! :) Thank you
  • Oh thank god I thought I was the only one with a grandmother like that.!! My grandmother says "I"m just trying to get you to realize that if you keep "abusing your body" your gonna end up with diabetes" ....HOW?! By pointing out every overweight women to me telling me I'm gonna look like that...stomping on what little self…
  • My friends never said anything about my weight. (They had friends overweight too so they were excepting of me. They just called me "a little bigger than them". At least they said "a little") But my family had no problems telling me that I am over weight. They would plain out tell me "your fat" or " you NEED to starve…
  • I'm about 5'8, and I looked it up it said my TDEE is 2933, cut 500 and its 2433. Its what I'm suppose to do with that 2433, is what I don't understand. Does that mean I need 2433 calories?
  • Well total I want to lose 190
  • So the myfirnesspal app says I need 1870 cals. If I cut 500 cals out then that means I actually need 1370 cals to lose 1lb a week? Because tbh that 1870 cals seems like a lot. Also I heard that if you ate "normally" again, (eating more cals then what you"ve stuck to) you"d gain weight back D: and That's what gets me…
  • You look amazing!!! I'm jealous!! If this doesn't keep me motivated I'll never forgive myself if I give up now!! I(I hope one day I can post a before and after!!!)
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