lornahurley Member


  • I suppose it depends what your objectives are.. if it's to purely increase amount of protein you're getting into your diet, then anytime is fine. If it's to support muscle growth , then ideally it should be straight after training. I have a protein shake first thing every day, then have breakfast a couple of hours later.…
  • Well, it's any help, I've been a gym member for over 10 yrs and never ventured to dark side, i've always stuck to doing weights in another part of the gym, trouble is there's no mirror there, so i can't see what i'm doing..So i knew this had to change when i wanted to start lifting much heavier weights. I bit the bullet,…
  • WOW, how long did that total transformation take? You look fantastic !!
  • I had a polar FT4, fab monitor, then i lost the sensor, it'll be at the bottom of a gym locker somewhere.. Ordered another FT4 today, bright pink! yay!
  • Have a look on bodybuilding.com and search for Jamie Eason LiveFit program - even if you don't want to follow the program it gives a full body workout, split into muscle groups with videos on how to perform each one. I also learnt a lot of technique for weights by doing body pump classes, they're a good into into weights…