Even when I was a size 6 in high school women's pants never fit me right. If they fit in the hips then they were too big in the waist...The best fitting clothes I ever bought were at Lane Bryant and I fought going for so long because I didnt want to admit to myself that I had let my self control get so far away from me. I…
The Boars Head Reduced Sodium is excellent! Ask your local deli if they have any reduced sodium turkey...they will be happy to tell you.
There are a small group of us trying to lose weight and so far the smaller people have given their clothes to the bigger people as we lose weight. Kinda nice to not have to spend a fortune when you will be in a smaller size in a few months anyway.
You look amazing! Good job!
I have lost a total of 23lbs and I am still in the same size, but honestly they were too snug to begin with soooo...
I have tried them...they are really watery. Hungry Girl uses them and she drains them and pats them dry, microwaves them for one minute then pats them dry again before heating them for an additional minute. This process was completely necessary. I eat them regularly.
Great job!:smile:
You are doing great! You'll get there!
Welcome! I'm also very into this so feel free if you want to add me...
You know anything that has the word cleanse in it means that it will increase your intestinal friend took it and it made her much more regular which she was not used to and it made her abdomen uncomfortable. I took it and I didn't have any discomfort and I did lose some weight. I just used it for a little…
wow thanx!
hungry girl has a sesame chicken recipe...i havent tried it yet, but i've loved all of her other recipes...she has it free on her website.
Wow...That was super informative. Thanx.
I know that olive oil has monounsaturated fats and so do most nuts...I'm going to do some further research on this myself, because I have the same problem in my diet. :)