Your very welcome Ann, I am the sodium guru hehe ;) or has more stuff on sodium if you are interested
The USDA recommends for (healthy) people to aim for 2400 mg of Sodium, it is very hard to escape sodium- it is an essential electrolyte, however many of us probably go over that 2400 mg and high NA consumption can lead to increased blood pressure. It's a great goal to aim for 2400 mg or lower! People who have illnesses…
Stay hydrated, also I would try getting some potassium in, potassium is an electrolyte that is involved with muscle. Eat a banana or oranges/juice. Other high K foods include avocado, fish, tomatoes, broccoli, dried fruit, etc.
Gluten is in many more products than just wheat, it can be in salad dressings, all beers, and many other things! Gluten is very contaminating and can be on many foods. Just FYI, Gluten free can be a very expensive diet. There are many (whole) grains that are gluten free that still have fiber and are healthy which include…