AlistairBrown Member


  • The first run is the hardest, but at leats you ahve broken the back of it now, keep it going and you will be amazed how quick it turns round. I remember doing my first fivek on the road, it was the charity Run For ChristChurch thing (The entire club is full of Kiwis) and it felt like I was about to pass out, now, five k…
  • Talking of giving up the Ciguies, there is an App called "Quit Now" it sits on the front of your phone and tells you how many Cigs you haven'tsmoked, how much money you have saved and how long sice you last had one. The trouble is there isn't a button to say "I got pissed at the rugby club ball and smoked like it was going…
  • "Going to go and try to run 3 K in a minute", bloody hell thats a quick 3k!! Ha ha ha ha If you build up your distances, your speed will come automatically, then the distances will start not to matter, I can now do 10 k and still feel I can carry on. Imagine, me, nearly 18 stone saying that!!
  • With regards to increasing the distances for running, this is something i followed for two weeks before the half marathon, it really helped. This is the e-mail my mate sent to me...... The worst thing you could do now is to go out and try to run 10km+ as fast as you can or do 10km every day. You will end up getting…
  • Yeh its made a massive difference, for teh first time since I was about 17, i actually feel fit, which is amazing. I gave up the ciggies as well which really helped with the training, but the best thing is the running, if you had asked me 12 months ago to run down a road for an hour, i would have told you to go forth and…
  • Hey Karl, Just to touch base, where abouts are playing? What standard are you playings? What position etc? I am in a bit of a conundrum as well, as a 34 year old prop forward I had a great idea in January to finally stop using rugby as an excuse for being overweight and actually try and get fit, I have always been big but…
  • So, let me get this right, you are saying that it doesn't matter what shape you are natually, the BMI scale in your opionion is a valid scale. That is a joke! I am 5' 10", and currently 14 stone and 10 pounds, thats about 93 kilos, having lost three stone (18 kilos) yet according to BMI I am still obese!! I have played…
  • AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH! I have one weekend off as I hit my goal and thought it would be ok. I played a full game of rugby but had a couple of beers and a BBQ and I put on 3 KGs!!! How can that be? Anyway, here we go, my new target is to get back to 95kg by the end of May. As of this morning I was 98KG!! Waist - 36 Inches
  • I am in as well. I am only 1.76 pounds short of my first goal, this is finished on Sunday after starting on the fourteenth of January. That was to be 95 KG or 209 Pounds by Easter. I have lost 35 pounds. I am now lighter than I have been since leaving school 16 years ago. I have yet to decide on my next goal - any…
  • Can you tell me how to recalculate? I was 246 now 224 aiming for 209 by Easter.