does anyone fancy starting a new challenge?

bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I've been looking around for a 1 month challenge to join in on, but they all look pretty well established. i'm new here and would like to start the ball rolling in the right way.

as is tradition (;-)) i thought that we could start a new challenge this monday 25th april. that way people have the weekend to sign up and prepare. i thought we could weigh ourselves in on monday morning, and just provide each other with support for diet and fitness goals for the next 4 weeks.

would anyone like to join me?


  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    You might have more people interested if you Start on Monday and then do it for 5 weeks (so all of May!)
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'll join you! 3lbs to goal....need that bit of extra *oomph* to get there :laugh:

    Sue :smile: x
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'll join you! 3lbs to goal....need that bit of extra *oomph* to get there :laugh:

    Sue :smile: x
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Either 4 weeks or 5 count me in. I've never set up a challenge tho, so I hope you have some ideas. Maybe we can "peep" in at the others and see what goes on, or if you have ideas. I'm open. we need to get lots on board tho. And doing a Monday weigh in will give me the added power I need to get thru the weekend. Especially this weekend since it's Easter at my house no less.

    My name is Mary, and thank you.
  • I'll join but I have never a challenge before were do we meet to weigh in and get/give advice?
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    I'm in :) Also never done a challenge before though because I'm really new too.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    well, i just thought we'd use this board to talk on, and every monday write down what our current weight is. i'll keep that updated for everyone, and we can monitor how we are doing as a group.
    i just think it's a bit easier when you've got more accountability.
    i don't mind if we do 4 or 5 weeks- maybe doing the whole of may is a good idea!
    i'd also like to let people join in whenever they want to. it's not a competition, it's just a place to come for a little extra 'oomph', and to know that our weight will be known by others (therefore leaving that biscuit alone will be easier!).

    i thought it would be a good place to encourage exercise too- i know i need it!

    what do we think?

    oh, 1 more thing. i live in new zealand, so my timing may be a little squiffy compared to yours. i'll check back in the morning to see if there's much interest. good night all!

    and if anyone wants to add me as a friend, please do.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Im in also !
  • I'd like to get in on this also - I'm new (though I've been using this phone app for a bit). Been begging for support and motivation from friends and family, but absolutely getting nowhere - no one really wants to push me, including myself. I need some accountability bad. I'm getting extremely frustrated with myself and I don't really know what else to do. Definitely need to get in on something.
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Okay, looks like it'll be a go. So, here's some background on me, I'm 46, have 55 lbs to lose, but 31 to get to my first goal of getting under 200. I have 3 boys, work full time, 12 hour rotating shifts. I do not have acess to a gym, but like the exercise challenges, becuase it makes me walk, or pull out the dvd's. I'm open to whatever challenge is thrown my way, and hope someone comes up with a good one, because I'm terrible at ideas. Mary Can't wait to meet everyone and get started.
  • AlistairBrown
    AlistairBrown Posts: 11 Member
    I am in as well. I am only 1.76 pounds short of my first goal, this is finished on Sunday after starting on the fourteenth of January. That was to be 95 KG or 209 Pounds by Easter. I have lost 35 pounds. I am now lighter than I have been since leaving school 16 years ago. I have yet to decide on my next goal - any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  • sweetnic
    sweetnic Posts: 66 Member
    I'd like to join the challenge also! I am starting back up after a dieting "break". I lost 60 pounds 2 years ago, but have gained back 30. I want to lose the 30 I've gained back and hopefully learn from my mistakes and keep it off this time. I am 38 years old and am a stay-at-home mom to three wonderful children. I belong to the YMCA, so I do exersize at least 3 times a week, but I need to bump up the workouts, because what I am doing now (treadmill and elliptical) are not cutting it anymore.
  • krg7
    krg7 Posts: 15
    I'm in! 17 pounds til I meet my first goal... need all the help I can get!
  • jkegs013
    jkegs013 Posts: 13 Member
    I'll join in also :)
  • I'm up for it!!!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    wow, that's heaps of us!!! how fabulous!

    so, as far as exercise goes, my thing is running (well, jogging so slowly my hubby refers to it as 'wogging'!). i've just about finished c25k, and am moving over to a 10k training program. i'm just looking for one i like!

    my name is joni (hi), and i'm a pisces!!!! i'm 32, mum to 3 kids (oldest is 4, youngest is 6 months), and i work full time in a fairly sedentary job. my hubby is a house dad, which is fab.

    at the moment my goal is more exercise related and improving my fitness. however, i'm excited that weight loss will be a great side effect. the reason for that is that i've dieted many times before and it's never worked. now my focus is not on food but on getting fitter- i'm not horribly strict with what i eat, but i do make sure i keep running! and for me that seems to be a more achievable lifestyle.

    but whatever floats your boat! if you need motivation for exercise, i'm good at that at the mo. but i'm the one that could need more help with the diet.

    i was thinking that i might start a new thread on monday morning. we should come up with a name for it so we can find it easily. something like 'the newbie May challenge'. what's the consensus?
  • You can count me in as well. I need some accountability as I'm not in a position to get to my Slimming World group at the moment.
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    I'll join, I could use a nice support system. (:

    My name is Alex, I'm 18 and starting college this fall. For as long as I can remember I've been overweight, although for a little while I was at least comfortable at my weight. I've got a whole big story about it on my profile page. So anyways, I'm a super slacker in just about everything I do..including weight loss. Because I'm too lazy to go work out every day, I'm working more on controlled eating. I walk just about everywhere and do some pilates and calisthenics, but I wouldn't say that I work very hard at it.

    I'm really excited to join this group! I could really use some added motivation, and hopefully watching everyone else's numbers drop will keep me inspired about my own.
  • Kera885
    Kera885 Posts: 59
    Count me in!
  • sweetnic
    sweetnic Posts: 66 Member
    I'm excited to get started! I started on MFP on Monday, but still have a lot of junk around the house I've been eating everyday. I'm going to encourage unhealthy eating all weekend to my dh and kids to get rid of it all to start with a clean slate on Monday! :wink:
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