does anyone fancy starting a new challenge?



  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    so, does anyone want to do measurements as well? i see we are all at different stages in our journey, and thought it might be an added incentive if we put up our measurements to begin with (waist, thigh, calf, upper arm), and again at the end (so they're only taken twice). i'm going to do this- i think that it's easy to become so focussed on losing that we don't often enough acknowledge how far we have come.
    hey, on my monday morning (most other places sunday night), i'll friend everyone here who has said they want to join. i'll start up a new thread, and everyone just hop on with weights, measurements (if wanted) and goals.
    for the month of may, my main goal is to run (non stop) for 70 minutes- that's adding an extra 10 minutes a week from what i can currently do..... and not feel like i'm going to die! i will do this by monday 30th may, which will be our 'finale'.

    good luck everyone...... i'll be in touch soon

  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Sounds good... I'm in... and I will do measurements too... gotta think of a good goal....
  • samerene
    samerene Posts: 86
    seriously need something new..count me in aswell
  • KayleesTryin
    KayleesTryin Posts: 37 Member
    I will join! I am 29 (on May 2nd :tongue: ) and I have 35 pounds to lose to meet my goal. I think a challenge is just what I need for a jumpstart!
  • redtrain
    redtrain Posts: 32 Member
    Well, I guess ill throw my hat in the ring as well. My name is Kevin and im looking to drop about 80 lbs. Im working on a low calorie diet and learning how to eat veggies for the first time. yaaaack.
  • BuckeyeGirl1
    BuckeyeGirl1 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in! I have recently just recommited myself to losing weight so I need this motivation. Oof I have to post my measurements. Actually that's good because it's the one thing I always neglect to do is take measurements so this will be a great motivator to see those numbers go down!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    I HATE MEASUREMENTS!!! But I guess if that would be major incentive for me cuz I would hate to measure the same twice, especially after 5 weeks. So, that's that. Here we go. This is just what I need to disipline me on Sunday. We are doing Easter at my house, and this year, I'm gonna make sure the candy and junk food goes home with whoever it came with!! My birthday is May 18 so this will also be a good way to spend my birthday month. I'm excited for this. I looked back over the last 6 weeks, and when I signed up my goal was to exercise 4 days a week and I've been averaging 5. so, my goal is to bump up those sessions and work extra hard, sweat a little more so to say. "See" all on Monday.
  • AlistairBrown
    AlistairBrown Posts: 11 Member
    AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH! I have one weekend off as I hit my goal and thought it would be ok. I played a full game of rugby but had a couple of beers and a BBQ and I put on 3 KGs!!! How can that be?

    Anyway, here we go, my new target is to get back to 95kg by the end of May.

    As of this morning I was 98KG!!
    Waist - 36 Inches
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH! I have one weekend off as I hit my goal and thought it would be ok. I played a full game of rugby but had a couple of beers and a BBQ and I put on 3 KGs!!! How can that be?

    Anyway, here we go, my new target is to get back to 95kg by the end of May.

    As of this morning I was 98KG!!
    Waist - 36 Inches

    hi. we've started another board- the easter bunnies support thread. there's a few of us on there (all girls), but it would be great if you joined us over there. we're all really trying hard to keep each other motivated.... especially with the weekend coming up.
    isn't it so unfair that you have a few beers and podge out- it's bound to be water weight......... i'm sure!
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