141622j Member


  • Thank you, that's lovely :)
  • The BMI is adjusted by + or -10% if you choose small/large frame - and obviously this is always going to produce a really rough estimate, because everyone is different. 109 may well be way too low for you, but for a very fine-boned person it could be at the low end of OK - BMI is notoriously inaccurate anyway. I do state…
  • If you want to count and eat back your exercise calories, just choose the 'sedentary' option. If you choose an activity level higher than that, your exercise is included in your TDEE, so don't eat it back. Also thanks again to everyone for all the lovely comments! I really appreciate it. If you like this tool, the most…
  • Excellent! And thanks for your help identifying the problem :) The zig zag is based on your 'intended calorie intake per day". The 5:2 is based on the guidelines on the 5:2 diet website - low calorie days at 25% of your tdee, normal calorie days at your normal tree.
  • Did you click on small frame size or large frame size? Choosing one of those options will modify your BMI to take your frame size into account, so you'll get a different result. (N.B. But you shouldn't take the modified BMI as medical advice, because it's not the accepted formula) If you didn't change the frame size…
  • That would be awesome, but I don't know how to do it yet! I will put it on the list. Great idea, thanks! EDIT: But i did figure out how to quote people on mfp, so there's an improvement :D And thanks again everyone for all the nice feedback, and for helping me by reporting bugs, making suggestions etc.
  • I still haven't figured out how to quote people on mfp, heh. I mean, I can make a huge complicated calculator, but forums are beyond me:happy: I understand what you're saying, but i think people have to think for themselves. I added this to the disclaimer (top left on all pages on http://www.weightloss-calculator.net): Use…
  • Hey everyone! @rabbitjb yep, that would be better! I'm not entirely sure how to do it right now, but if I can figure it out i'll set it up so it'll say "you'd reach your goal weight by the 2nd January 2015" or something. Great idea! @210andgoingdo I'm no doctor, but personally I think whatever works for you is fine - so…
  • Yep that's it, please do send screenshots, that'd be really helpful!
  • Hi @elizabethnewh That's strange, it seems fine to me. I did just fix a load of stuff though, so if you ran it whilst I was changing things that could be why? If you have a sec could you try it again, and if it still isn't working could you tell me what you input, so I can figure out the problem? I'd really appreciate it.
  • UPDATE: Metric version is compete and working!
  • Hey there @rabbitjb I did some digging around on the internet and it seemed there was a general consensus that adjusting BMI down by 10% for a large frame was acceptable. (I have got my sources for that written down somewhere, but not to hand right now) so I figured that a plus 10% adjustment for a small frame made sense.…
  • Hey everyone! Thanks for the lovely feedback. I have made a TON of changes today and have hopefully addressed all the issues raised so far. Let me know if there are any other features you'd like to see! I also included a frame size modifier which will produce an adjusted BMI and ideal weight based on your frame size.…
  • Hey @arljduke Looks about right to me, unfortunately. To lose 2 lbs a week, you need to create a deficit of 7000 calories a week. (1lb of fat = 3500 calories. So you have to burn 1000 more calories than you consume every day. Which is tough if you're short-ish and sedentary (like me!). I feel your pain :) Hi @Calliope610,…
  • UPDATE! Ok, so now it has: Extended 7 day zig-zag calculator 5:2 Diet calculator (i.e. with 5 high cal and 2 low cal days, based on your calorie needs) A function that enables you to put in a goal weight (or your desired weight loss in lbs) and your intended daily calorie intake, to show you how many days it will take to…
  • @rabbitjb I just picked a BMI of 22 because (in theory) it's right in the middle of the healthy range - but I appreciate what you're saying about different body types etc, so I'm in the process of figuring out how to change it to a weight range :) Thanks for the feedback! @lolly715 I understand what you mean,but I'm…
  • Hey @Paige682, @DMRinehardt Thanks for the feedback! A couple other people have said the same, so what I'm going to do is change it so that it'll give a range of weights e.g. "Your ideal weight is 120lbs to 140lbs" so that it's less prescriptive. I'm also planning on putting something in so you can specify your frame size,…