kawhie Member


  • If you work out do you eat back your calories? Is this formula based on your BMR?
  • Time to go see a new Endo. Can't treat PCOS with BC, only masks symptoms. Find one who specializes in PCOS or hirsutism. Dropped 15lbs in the first three months that I was on Met.
  • I feel for you. This was me for years. I finally researched Endo's and found one who specialized in hirsutism. He is amazing. I finally feel like he listens and believes me. Look for one who specializes in PCOS or women's health or hirsutism. I take Metformin 2,000mg and Spiro 100mg daily. I also take Yasmin BC.
  • Interesting. Usually one cyst alone will not get you a PCOS diagnosis, However, the weight gain at puberty does sound like PCOS. Also, FYI you can be thin and insulin resistant. Good luck! PCOS is a *****!!!
  • Insulin resistance or elevated insulin is what causes PCOS. So yes, while she may not be "resistant" yet, if she has PCOS her body is not using insulin properly. I don't get docs though. Metformin is one of the oldest and safest drugs around. They have been using it to treat PCOS for years now. First three months on it and…
  • Your doc is an idiot. If you have PCOS you have insulin resistance. Get a new doc. I'm serious. How did they diagnose you? I would go to Reproductive endocrinologist if possible or just an endocrinologist. You don't have to have all the system to have PCOS but everyone who has PCOS has insulin resistance. I have excess…
  • I'm a PCOS lady and have lost 54lbs over the last year (started at 238) with the help of my endocrinologist. First step for me was finally getting a Dr. to believe me when I said I couldn't lose weight unless I starved myself and worked out for three hours a day. I take 2000 mg of Metformin, 100 mg of Spiro, Vitamin B and…
  • Cool, Thanks.
  • I have PCOS too just diagnosed last year despite begging my doctor of 10 plus years to believe me when I said I couldn't lose weight even though I worked out like a maniac and ate basically nothing. Finally, after gaining 40 of the 60 lbs back I took matters into my own hands and saw a endo. He took one look at me and said…
  • I'm tall and wide too!