PCOS Ladies

I'm looking for other ladies with PCOS to start this journey with.
I have pcos and I currently weigh 241lbs.
I was 135lbs October 2011. As you can see my PCOS got WAY out of control within 2 years to create a 105lbs weight gain.

Looking for other ladies that can relate and help motivate and vise versa =)
Add me and lets be friends.

Thanks <3


  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    pcos here as well ( and hypothyroid) What meds are they treating your pcos with? I found weight loss to be ALOT easier while on metformin and aldactone
  • kawhie
    kawhie Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a PCOS lady and have lost 54lbs over the last year (started at 238) with the help of my endocrinologist. First step for me was finally getting a Dr. to believe me when I said I couldn't lose weight unless I starved myself and worked out for three hours a day.

    I take 2000 mg of Metformin, 100 mg of Spiro, Vitamin B and D, and Yasmin BC. I also strength train and cardio at least three times a week. Keep my calories under 1500 on most days, and pretty much try to avoid processed foods.
  • amberlongsine
    amberlongsine Posts: 215 Member
    They wouldnt give me anything to treat it with. Its so frustrating. I asked for Metformin but my doctor said I dont have insulin resistance. and they checked my thyroid and everything came back normal.
  • kawhie
    kawhie Posts: 12 Member
    Your doc is an idiot. If you have PCOS you have insulin resistance. Get a new doc. I'm serious. How did they diagnose you? I would go to Reproductive endocrinologist if possible or just an endocrinologist. You don't have to have all the system to have PCOS but everyone who has PCOS has insulin resistance.

    I have excess hair growth
    scalp hair loss
    carry all my fat in my stomach
    when I am over 200lbs I don't menstruate

    I do not have cysts on my ovaries and my hormones are technically in the "normal" range.
  • amberlongsine
    amberlongsine Posts: 215 Member
    I completely understand the starving and working out for 3 hours to lose weight. PCOS is the culprit for me having bulimia since when I was bulimic that was the only way I could lose weight. Its so frustrating. I just want to eat normal and exercise 2-3 times a week. Unfortunately I have to eat as close to Raw Diet as I can and work out everyday for a minimum of 30-45 minutes just for it to impact my weightloss by a pound a week.

  • sissidevore
    sissidevore Posts: 151 Member
    i have pcos, mine is on the severe side, i had to take fertility drugs and everything to have my 3 kids :) while pregnant i gained 100 lbs each time. i have lost it after eachbaby too, i am just trying tolose the last few lbs, i want to get to my goal weight of 100 lbs. feel free to add me.
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    Your doc is an idiot. If you have PCOS you have insulin resistance. Get a new doc. I'm serious.

    This isn't 100% true. PCOS can lead to insulin resistance but she may not have it yet. However, I definitely agree that you need a second opinion. Metformin can help even if you aren't yet insulin resistant.

    In the mean time, watching your carb levels will help a lot. Try reducing your carbs to 20% of your intake or lower and eat low GI carbs (google that and you can find a list). It sucks so bad! I had the same issue where I went from 135 to 200 in a couple years. I started eating keto (very low carb) and lost about 12 lbs in 2 months and then got unexpectedly pregnant. You might want to look into that as well. Check out www.reddit.com/r/keto for more information. This is kinda extreme though and many PCOS women find success just by eating low GI carbs and fewer of them. Good luck!
  • amberlongsine
    amberlongsine Posts: 215 Member
    Ive had several Physician and OBGYN's check me out and all of them (10+) say that I cant be on medication because I dont have Insulin resistance or a bad thyroid.

    They all say track calories and exercise....
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    They wouldnt give me anything to treat it with. Its so frustrating. I asked for Metformin but my doctor said I dont have insulin resistance. and they checked my thyroid and everything came back normal.

    You need to find a doctor who deals in Hormone Therapy/Endocrinology!

    It is not your doctor's fault, they were not trained properly in med school. My Hubby his a Dr. He got a degree also in bioidentical hormone therapy / endocrinology. He does not understand why he was not taught this in med school and is pissed because it took him so long to learn this stuff!

    I have been on hormone therapy since August 2013. Everything I take is natural. No synthesized hormones!

    also under my Dr's care did one round of the 800 cal HCG diet. He thought it the most effective way to target and get rid of belly fat!

    Being insulin resistant the HCG diet totally changed how I felt mentally and physically!


    Please feel free to read my blog. I have posted about the hormones and about the diet and now as I move forward with my newer/older(the way I used to look at 25) me!

    Take care and good luck!
  • kawhie
    kawhie Posts: 12 Member
    Insulin resistance or elevated insulin is what causes PCOS. So yes, while she may not be "resistant" yet, if she has PCOS her body is not using insulin properly.

    I don't get docs though. Metformin is one of the oldest and safest drugs around. They have been using it to treat PCOS for years now. First three months on it and I dropped 15lbs like nothing.

    And thyroid not related to PCOS.
  • amberlongsine
    amberlongsine Posts: 215 Member
    I was diagnosed with pcos due to a softball size cyst on my ovary that had ruptured, not because of being over weight. I have been small until I hit puberty at 12/13 and then I lost all the weight by the time i was 16. Then when I was 18 I had a cyst rupture and I was still small (135lbs) when I was diagnosed.
  • Hello ladies! I have recently been reading and amazing and educational book entitled "The PCOS diet plan" I advise you all to buy and to read! I have been following the advice and I am feeling so much better! Just an FYI! ::flowerforyou:
  • kawhie
    kawhie Posts: 12 Member
    Interesting. Usually one cyst alone will not get you a PCOS diagnosis, However, the weight gain at puberty does sound like PCOS. Also, FYI you can be thin and insulin resistant. Good luck! PCOS is a *****!!!
  • alexandriax03
    alexandriax03 Posts: 289 Member
    Ive had several Physician and OBGYN's check me out and all of them (10+) say that I cant be on medication because I dont have Insulin resistance or a bad thyroid.

    They all say track calories and exercise....

    You need to see an endocrinologist. Not a PCP or OBGYN… they don't specialize in the endocrine system. PCOS is often linked with insulin resistance. I find it very hard to believe that you are 241 pounds and do not have insulin resistance. People who are obese are insulin resistant because their bodies can no longer use insulin properly. The fact that the doctors you have seen wouldn't give you Metformin because they don't think you are insulin resistant is just ridiculous. Metformin isn't only used for insulin resistance. It's used to help PCOS as well and it aids in weight loss. So I suggest you find a new doctor, aka an ENDOCRINOLOGIST who deals with these things. Whether you are insulin resistant yet or not, PCOS still causes insulin to not be used properly. I have insulin resistance and am on Metformin.
  • 4given4life
    4given4life Posts: 81 Member
    I can relate to the original poster. At my last gyno appt I talked with my doctor about the possibility of me having PCOS because I have many symptoms. She agreed it sounded like I could have it, but told me the only cure was to take BC or go on a diet and lose weight. Now I really like this doctor as a gyno and she delivered my first baby as well, but I can't believe she told me those were the ONLY remedies. I had read about Metformin and several people I know are on it. I have had polycystic ovaries since my early twenties. I even had one of my ovaries removed about 3 years ago due to a very large cyst that was in danger of causing my ovary to twist. I've only recently started experiencing excess hair growth on my face, hair falling out like crazy, restless nights where I can't sleep, and I've gained 40+ lbs in the last year. I am trying desperately to lose weight on my own, but I just can't seem to get my ducks in a row. In the past every time I have needed to lose a few lbs, I have always been able to do it. Now it seems quite impossible to me and the only way I seem to lose weight is by restricting my carb intake and that is proving very difficult for me as I crave them like crazy! Feel free to add me if you'd like. I may be going to see an endocrinologist next.
  • I also have had similar problems. I have gained about 100 pounds in 2 years and have NO control over it. I have gone months eating 1200-1400 cals and working out 1-2 hours a day and still gained weight. I also see an endocrinologist and a OBGYN who both say I have PCOS, but wont put me on anything other than birth control-which I dont want to be on because it never helped me lose weight before. I have low thyroid, low blood sugar, and somewhat high insulin. Right now(for the last 2 weeks) I have been doing body by vi and eat about 900-1100 cals a day and work out about an hour a day, and havent lost any weight. I really dont know what to do and am really frustrated. If anyone can offer advice on their experience I would appreciate it!
  • ImSoOTired
    ImSoOTired Posts: 186 Member
    I need to bump this because although I was not diagnosed with PCOS I have had many symptoms over the past few years. I really like my Gynocologist but he doesn't seem to want to delve into it any further. He thinks it's not really an issue but when I go for months without a period (while trying to conceive) or a ton of my hair falls out, it's a real problem. I've not had any issues losing weight but I do think that I have/ have had PCOS or at the very least some sort of hormonal issues.
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    I diabetic diet works great too btw, i have been following one for the most part and i eat ALL the time.. Food choices have been a big factor as i am a massive chow hound. Simple tweaking of recipes ect. Like chili is one of my fav things in winter but tomato is high in sugar for a diabetic diet. So i opt for a white chili with turkey or chicken breast (ground) lentils and black eyed peas make a great sub for starchy kidney beans and it tastes amazing and bout 200 cal a serving! I been doing little swaps like that with most of my foods and looking for non white? flour type items.
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    btw I have been in treatment for pcos for over 20 years. My OLD doctor just used BC pills to regulate my period not treat the problem. I just kept getting bigger n hairier :( Started a new endo a few yrs back and she gave me the spiro/aldactone n metformin which helped AMAZINGLY.. But the best thing she did was send me to a dietition in the hospital to come up with a proper diet for someone with pcos/insulin resistance ( sorry i wibble alot, ive got the attn span of a gnat lately lol)
  • alexandriax03
    alexandriax03 Posts: 289 Member
    I diabetic diet works great too btw, i have been following one for the most part and i eat ALL the time.. Food choices have been a big factor as i am a massive chow hound. Simple tweaking of recipes ect. Like chili is one of my fav things in winter but tomato is high in sugar for a diabetic diet. So i opt for a white chili with turkey or chicken breast (ground) lentils and black eyed peas make a great sub for starchy kidney beans and it tastes amazing and bout 200 cal a serving! I been doing little swaps like that with most of my foods and looking for non white? flour type items.


    I am not a diabetic but I have insulin resistance and am on Metformin. My dietician put me on a diabetic diet…. this diet includes:

    1400 kcal
    30-45 g of carbs per meal
    15-30 g carbs per snack

    I am allowed 3 meals a day and 3 snacks a day. Give it a try.