

  • Creatine is very safe and highly effective (and dirt cheap). How many grams are you taking a day? 5g is the standard, any more than that usually is wasted. I've had great results with creatine, my wife has as well. You shouldn't feel bloated, that's a myth. Creatine puts water in your muscles, not fat. What should you…
  • They're now finding it may not be necessary. If you're a hardcore bodybuilder, do it just in case. Creatine monohydrate is cheap anyways.
  • Creatine is highly effective. Creatine monohydrate is the one of, if not the most studied supplement.
  • You don't 'bloat' with creatine. You get slightly bigger, but the water is in your muscles, not right under the skin. Your body absorbs 98% of creatine monohydrate don't waste your money on fancy creatine that claims better absorption. Also, just take it with water. People say to take it with sugar but you need a…
  • Take creatine. Its not bad for your kidneys. Get regular creatine monohydrate, take one serving every day (5g). You will gain a few pounds of water weight at the start yes, but that doesn't mean it hurts weight loss. The extra muscle you gain will help you LOSE weight by raising your BMR. Once you reach your goal stop…
    in creatine Comment by Ryne15 March 2013
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