

  • This is by far the greatest inspiration something has given me!!! Watch it, I know you'll enjoy it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6Q9qWWhk0U&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
  • You need to do some interval training, however i recommend that you have a larger running base before starting :D Nice running!!!
  • The warmup and the cooldown aren't part of the run/walk, so you should do 5 min brisk walk and then start with the corresponding day Good running!!!
  • I'm not really good at dieting either, actually I attribute most of my weight loss to the radical increase in my physical activity. So, my advice to you is to eat those extra 500 calories, but at the same time try to burn at least that amount of energy in the day so that you don't have any inconvenients in your weight loss…
  • Well, the things I'd recommend would be not to change your shoes, use the same ones you usually run in, the same applies for your clothing, wear things you've got running experience with. As far as pacing goes you will notice that you'll run faster thatn you're used to, that is completely normal so don't worry. Since it's…
  • yes it's called b210k un the appstore
  • I began with the C25k also, now I'm training for my first half marathon ;D. The plan is great