

  • A quick glance at your diary really does show that you can take more control if you choose to.. Take Saturday.. had you swapped your drinks to water and not had the snacks listed you would have reduced your intake by 1165 calories.. and that is just a starter... remove or reduce items like chocolate gravy? and there are…
  • for potassium, check here... I hate bananas and it was the one thing I was constantly told to eat - so checked and found other foods with higher content that I like... I factor in a few dried apricots to my daily intake..also not showing on the list is tomatoes.. they also are a good source…
  • cheese and marmalade on toast.. or jam and cheese sandwiches also works cheese and rich fruit cake, blue cheese is best.. marmite and tomato on toast.. peanut butter and sausages.. banana sandwich.. cucumber dipped in sugar.. or salt with apple.. small amounts not enough to cause issues..
  • eat less, find an exercise you enjoy and do it.. you need to find something that you can continue long term, not only for weight loss... no good losing and then stopping.. it is a new lifestyle you need to find that works for you.
  • yes you need to count the oil , butter cream all those little bits add up... use a teaspoon to measure or a scale to weigh them and see how many extra calories you are eating.. a teaspoon of oil is 40 calories.. so 2 or 3 of these adds up. salt pepper and spices unless in large amounts are not usually added,,
  • I believe they do not recommend wearing it on ankle.." it is powered by Fitbit’s leading-edge accelerometer and altimeter, the One™ accurately captures all-day activity " so not really a step counter, you can put it on a pocket or my fitbit one I clip to my waistband on trousers- inside so not noticed, particularly if…
  • yes the exercise will show up on MFP and give more calories... but beware.. I have noticed it adds calories after exercise but if I do no more and slow down it also removes those I have gained
  • I did a bit of aversion therapy... Think of a food you hate... imagine eating it and the way it makes you feel next imagine eating it with the food you are trying to avoid ... or one you crave,, for me it is porridge I hate.. and crisps (chips) I used to crave... using the porridge as a dip... yuk.. not eaten any for…
  • Low fat items tend to add sugar to make them taste good, something has to replace the fat.. If you look at diabetic chocolates, they have less sugar but high fat content... The sugar allowance on here is notoriously low... unless there is some reason for you to keep below it , I personally see no reason to keep to it, if I…
  • definitely not a tikka masala.. lots of cream in those.. tandouri dishes are better without the sauces, jalfrezi is a tomato based without cream and usually a fair option , avoid the extras, all fried, and plain rice.. all restaurants cook differently though , so some may use a lot of oil when cooking..
  • I did a desensitising .. cannot remember where I saw it but it worked for me. . I thought of the food I really hate the most and cannot stand ( porridge for me shudders) then imagined eating the foods I had an issue with and craved a lot with it, so it was using the porridge as a dip with the crisps.. this put me off the…
  • am I missing something here? Puff pastry, contains lots of fat, by changing the crust to this and removing the cheese there will be no difference, other than portion size... much better to use a pizza crust of flour, water, yeast, small sized with a home made tomato sauce and veg toppings.. a small amount of cheese on top…
  • No.. I look on it more a lifestyle change than a diet.. and I could not live a lifetime without those things I love, but in moderation and fit in with my life and at the moment in my total, that is fine...
  • One way to help would be to cook less, check and cook enough for the family without the large or left over portion... I do this and works well. as to the ice cream etc, I only keep in one topping at a time and will not buy more when it is gone until a set time... other items I too buy set amounts for the week. and when…