

  • Great, thankyou I like the sound of all these :-)
    in Halloumi Comment by bertha2010 May 2011
  • I cooked it yesterday for the first time and thought it was really nice, it didn't look great but still tasted good. Roasted aubergines and courgettes with crumbled feta cheese and vine-ripened tomatoes Sep 5 2009 TV DINNERS ROASTED AUBERGINES AND COURGETTES WITH CRUMBLED FETA CHEESE AND VINE-RIPENED TOMATOES SERVES 4 1…
  • Well not a great day for me, although I have managed to stay within my calorie intake today its never great when 50% is alcohol consumption, at least I resisted a Chinese takeaway on top, plus I have been to London on a business trip so not normal circumstances !! I am hopeful that tomorrow will be a good day :-)
  • Hi all, I only joined this today and hope you do not mind me joining in, its nice to be able to read all your comments of support to each other :-) I have tracked today's food intake and am more than a little mortified of just how many calories I have consumed , time for some changes !! Beth x
  • I'm really glad I stumbled upon this site on my i phone. I only unsubscribed to weight watchers a month ago (mind you hadn't used it for about 6 months...ooops) I just hope this time if I lose some weight I manage to keep it off !! Good luck to you :-)
    in Hello Comment by bertha2010 January 2011
  • I am new too and I am so surprised at this site, its like weightwatchers online but free !! Cant be a bad thing. Good luck
    in hello Comment by bertha2010 January 2011