Team UK - January 2011!



  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Well, my WW weight in was yesterday, and I'd managed to lose the 2lb I'd gained over the weekend. But it means I'd STS. Huff. And this weekend is not going to be any easier, we're taking the in-laws to London to see a show and they're the kind of people who dive in coffee shops every 5 mins.:ohwell:
    I'll take my Eating Out book & my calculator, but it's going to be a struggle.
    Still, after this weekend all my social commitments are over till March (I hope) and I can knuckle down & concentrate on weight loss & getting fit.
  • Well not a great day for me, although I have managed to stay within my calorie intake today its never great when 50% is alcohol consumption, at least I resisted a Chinese takeaway on top, plus I have been to London on a business trip so not normal circumstances !!

    I am hopeful that tomorrow will be a good day :-)
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Looking forward to the results tomorrow to see which Team won for this week. I've bought some new scales today to weigh myself on and the body fat % is 8% lower than my old ones. I hope I actually weigh less on them also! Been 30 Day Shredding for 8 days now (not consecutive but over two weeks) and I've already lost half an inch on my waist yeah ha:love: But I'm still waiting for the old thunder thighs to start shrinking, haven't lost anything off them since about September :grumble:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Yeah it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Yvonne :laugh: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    cool :bigsmile:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Looking forward to the results tomorrow to see which Team won for this week. I've bought some new scales today to weigh myself on and the body fat % is 8% lower than my old ones. I hope I actually weigh less on them also! Been 30 Day Shredding for 8 days now (not consecutive but over two weeks) and I've already lost half an inch on my waist yeah ha:love: But I'm still waiting for the old thunder thighs to start shrinking, haven't lost anything off them since about September :grumble:

    Had my body fat done by my PT on a machine at the gym yesterday it's 8% higher than my scales at home :sad: I know which one I want to believe and actually find it hard to believe I have quite as much fat as the one at the gym said! Think I will steer well clear in future and judge it by how I feel and how my clothes fit
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Looking forward to the results tomorrow to see which Team won for this week. I've bought some new scales today to weigh myself on and the body fat % is 8% lower than my old ones. I hope I actually weigh less on them also! Been 30 Day Shredding for 8 days now (not consecutive but over two weeks) and I've already lost half an inch on my waist yeah ha:love: But I'm still waiting for the old thunder thighs to start shrinking, haven't lost anything off them since about September :grumble:

    Had my body fat done by my PT on a machine at the gym yesterday it's 8% higher than my scales at home :sad: I know which one I want to believe and actually find it hard to believe I have quite as much fat as the one at the gym said! Think I will steer well clear in future and judge it by how I feel and how my clothes fit

    I had my body fat % done at the gym too and it was horrible! There are some calculators on websites so you can work it out and take the average? My scales say something completely different too so I went on a couple of websites and took the average (surprisingly they didn't differ too much from the gym one).

    Keep your chin up though lovely, set a target of what you want to get it to and I bet it'll be surprising how quickly you lose it =) xxxx
  • mickyloo
    mickyloo Posts: 9 Member
    Ok I am having a really bad day, started off well but cannot stop this LOVE relationship I have with food and decided to go for a Tesco Indian for 2 meal tonight to cheer myself up. After I finished logging my food it's done the complete opposite - I think I'm just in a foul mood today so will spend tomorrow planning my meals as suggested. I'm not too bad with dinners, it's when I'm at work so fingers crossed for next week x

    Thanks very much for your support and kind words !!!!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Ok I am having a really bad day, started off well but cannot stop this LOVE relationship I have with food and decided to go for a Tesco Indian for 2 meal tonight to cheer myself up. After I finished logging my food it's done the complete opposite - I think I'm just in a foul mood today so will spend tomorrow planning my meals as suggested. I'm not too bad with dinners, it's when I'm at work so fingers crossed for next week x

    Thanks very much for your support and kind words !!!!

    Hi hun, sorry to hear you've had a bit of a rubbish day. I'm the opposite to you in that I'm pretty good when I'm at work. I don't take any cash with me so can't be tempted to get food from the shop or restaurant, I can only eat what I take in with me which I prepare the night before. My weakness is when I'm at home in the evenings :blushing:

    Keep your chin up, you can do this :wink:
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    So, been here a couple of days, and been watching both Calories and Exercise. I have a few of questions...... from your experiences

    1) Is Honey good for you?
    2) Is it usual to have an 800 -1100 Calorie Tea time meal?
    3) Does it matter if you eat before bedtime?
    4) Do you ever actually feel the benefit of taking a multivitamin?
    5) Does tea, coffee, juice count towards the glasses of water?

    There you are folks - your opinions are appreciated........


    1) I would say (in my sweetest dietitian-y voice lol) that honey is a sometimes food. Honey is essentially the same as sugar.... it's all about the quantities you are having

    2) I say whatever helps keep you under your goal. For me, when I'm busy at work I don't miss food so I don't eat too much during the day (but I do still have regular, balanced meals) then I have more cals in the evening

    3) No. It's just calories in vs calories out - it's really that simple. It's true that you don't burn as many calories while you sleep but you would still burn the same calories while you were awake, so essentially by the time you got to the evening you would already have a deficit... the actual time you have your food is irrelevant as long as it's regularly (although eating too close to bedtime might disturb your sleep!). It is true that some people find success with stopping eating earlier but that is because of the types of food we usually snack on in the evenings which are the foods they are then cutting out, it still comes down to the calories taken across the entire day.

    4) I've never taken one. I think they are a waste of money for the general population (and also very rarely useful from a medical standpoint!).

    5) It depends what you are counting the water for.... if you want it for purifying/cleansing purposes then water is going to filter more easily than the others. If you are talking about hydration then fluid is fluid, but to be honest you don't need 8 cups of fluid. It's true that most people require around 2L per day but that includes fluid from food. Generally aiming for more cups of low cal fluid does help you stay feeling fuller and therefore eat less though.

    Hope that helps :)
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm not enjoying how cold it's getting again!! It's been so pleasant that I'd almost forgotten that this wasn't the end of winter! I've been trying to run more often but 5am in Birmingham is not a nice temp at the moment! I went for a very long run the other day and now I have blisters on the bottom of my feet :( It really hurt when we went for a long walk today!

    Had Indian for dinner tonight - first time we've eaten out since Christmas which is a long time for us! I only had curry and rice though and ate half of it, so still came in under my cals (unlike my fiance who had 2 mango lassi drinks!! haha)

    Take care everyone x
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    Hi everyone? Is this group already established or can newbie's join in? Ive been on mfp since last far so hoping to get to 9 stone,currently 9st 11lbs.was 10st last week so im well chuffed. Have been trying to loos my baby weight for well over a year now.decided I needed a kick up the backside lat week and here I am ;)
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi Maria and Donwilks - we're an open group so anyone can join. Only criteria is that you live in the UK!

    After 3 crappy food days (and showing a 1lb gain when I 'checked in' yesterday morning) I've suddenly dropped 2lbs on official weigh in day. I'm so happy as I've reached my goal for the month a week early *small celebration dance*. After spending an embarrasing amount of money in Lush on Friday I'm gonna do a mega pamper session tonight - I never have baths but I may just do today and treat myself with a good soak. Of course I shall have to Shred first! LOL

    Hope everyone else is having a good weekend. Thinking of you all x
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Hi also to Maria and Donwilks, plus any others I haven't mentioned. I'm having a really tired, lack of energy type weekend. I had a days rest yesterday only doing walking as my exercise, and this morning did only 15 mins run (instead of usual 30 mins) before I Shredded ugh it was tough. Start Level 2 on Tuesday so should be fun! Not sure what the scales will show this week, I seem to be maintaining although shrinking when I measure, so I'm not much use to the southern softies at the moment.

    How do you know when you're at your goal size. How much should your body fat be? I ask because I have a distorted head about it. I've been as low as 9st (but periods stopped), currently 12st 6 and a comfy size 14, body fat 27%. I think I may have to just concentrate on body fat and not the scales. Would value any feedback on this. Gillx
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Don't know if its important but I'm 5ft 11.
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi Gill. I honestly have no idea what percentage body fat I am, I'm going by scales and tapemeasure and how I feel. I used to suffer with a lot of fat on my back but that's now gone and the only places I'm really carrying fat is on my midriff and tummy. Think you kind of have to go with how you're feeling about your body unless you're going for the perfect healthy body in which case it'd probably be best to see a professional about it. Energy slumps every now and then are normal, especially with the weather being so changeable. Don't beat yourself up about it x
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hi Gill,

    I had my body fat done at the gym on Thursday and was an incredibly depressing 29%, mind you my home scales say 23%, which hopefully I'm not being overly optimistic, feels more likely. To answer your question below 28% is average for a woman. Personally I have decided not to obsess about body fat %, I am 5'4, 8st 0.5 lbs, BMI 19.5, I lift weights so have a fairly muscular upper body and I can see my ribs. I admit my thighs are still slightly more flabby than I would like but my stomach is just right at the moment. I really don't think I could lose much more body fat without it looking too much (I would like to keep what is remaining of my chest!).

    Generally I am happy with how my clothes fit, I have set a happy weight range which I stay within and have managed that for 5 months.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Thanks Kim and Yvonne for your replies and input. I also looked in the search box and it came up with pretty much the same answer as yvonnes that anything under 28% is healthy. I have an hour-glass figure which I'm happy with and wouldn't like to lose anymore from up top either, so I'll probably switch to maintaining soon. Will see if I can get to 12 st or about 25% bf which ever comes first. Because of my eating disorders though, I'm happy for it to take as long as it needs to which unfortunately isn't going to help the southern softies :ohwell:
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Don't think we're gonna have a go at you though hon - you've gotta do what's best for you. Taken me 3years to get where I am and I'm not exactly rushing either!!! I wouldn't have the faintest clue how to calculate my fat level and not entirely sure I'd want to know either, I just know I'm not as big as I used to be and hell of a lot healthier and happier :happy: Good luck with whichever route you decide to take, just be sensible x
  • mickyloo
    mickyloo Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks Kim and Yvonne for your replies and input. I also looked in the search box and it came up with pretty much the same answer as yvonnes that anything under 28% is healthy. I have an hour-glass figure which I'm happy with and wouldn't like to lose anymore from up top either, so I'll probably switch to maintaining soon. Will see if I can get to 12 st or about 25% bf which ever comes first. Because of my eating disorders though, I'm happy for it to take as long as it needs to which unfortunately isn't going to help the southern softies :ohwell:

    Gill, I can understand exactly with what you're saying. I have 'issues' with eating .... had time where I couldn't get it in or keep it in and now .... well now I can't get it to stay out !!! I'm really struggling, not just physically but mentally and I cannot say anything at home *sigh*
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    That's what we're here for hon. I think it's easy to struggle in the beginning because we convince ourselves that we're starving even when we're not. Take it slowly and make gradual changes instead of the "all or nothing" approach that causes problems x
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