Team UK - January 2011!

Hi all :happy:

I hope nobody minds me jumping in and starting this post but the team spirit (mine included) seems to have disappeared so I thought we could restart - New Year and all that!

Anyway my goal for the month is to get down to 12st which will be 5lbs off. That'd be a great start to the year and good headway on the 13lbs I want to lose overall.

I already cooked up some healthy meals so that I have no excuse when I get back to work this week, they're in the freezer and just need defrosting. There are loads of veggies in the fridge so I can make a salad and no bad snacks in the cupboard (or at least there won't be when I get rid of the last slice of Xmas cake! :laugh: )

Hope you're all making a good start on this New Year. Come and join in the fun and get support hitting goal in 2011 :heart:



  • Debx12345
    Debx12345 Posts: 210
    I'm with you, been trying to lose ten pounds for over a year, weighed myself Xmas eve and had lost two pounds, then obviously started troughing !!!! Daren't even weigh myself now feel that bloated and chubby, so got one more day to cut down, then Monday it starts big time. Back to fully counting, and going to cut down on booze, one of those sad people that needs a glass of wine at night to unwind (got busy job and ASD kid). Ordered myself turbo fire to get me sweating.

    So good luck on 2011. X
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    A bit of a gain at this time of year is only normal. I lost 3lbs just before xmas only to put it back on over the holidays! Go easy on yourself and make small changes that you're likely to maintain as opposed to big changes that you'll find difficult to keep up.

    Thanks for joining the thread :flowerforyou:
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member

    I was about to create a thread since I couldn't find one in search... then I saw this one on my news feed, how odd! Anyway, I'm glad team UK is back :)

    I'm with you on the weight gain over christmas thing. It's so rubbish! It took me 3 months to lose 5kg then I regained 4kg in 3 days! It's coming down a bit though so at least some of it seems to be water or bloating weight. It's a bit disheartening though!

    Exciting year for me as I'm getting married :)

    I can't remember the last time I had new years resolutions but I made some yesterday and broke one already!

    1. (the broken one) Re-add gluten into my diet so I can get tested for coeliac disease as I know I should... I wanted to do it but I'm just in so much pain after 1 day!
    2. Re-start learning French, I started last year but only got a few lessons through
    3. Use my gym membership. I exercise plenty already but I'm paying for a 50 pound a month membership that is going to waste because I never seem to live near one of the fitness firsts. Figure I can at the very least make an effort to go on the weekend!
    4. Stop using the heating at times when we could get away with wrapping up in blankets (we've been very naughty with it this year but then it has been damn cold!)

    Did anyone else make any?

  • Debx12345
    Debx12345 Posts: 210
    I use to make resolutions, but always ended up breaking them after a few days, so my main one if I made any would be to get back on track with healthy eating and exercise.

    Over this last week with not exercising and watching what I eat, I feel so blobby, so I think being good makes me feel better, so back on track.

    Have ordered turbo fire and am so impatient to receive it, bloody royal mail are taking the long way round with it !!!! Lol

    How much are you guys looking to lose ?
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Hi, can I join in?
    I did quite well last autumn, but then I started to get very 'down'. I finally admitted I had a problem, saw the Dr and I'm now on tablets that have improved things no end. :smile: But between the comfort eating & the weight gain from the tablets I'm about as big as I've ever been. Sigh

    So I plan to go on Meal Replacement shakes for 14 days, just to get me kick started with the weight loss, them move over to clean eating. It's not a perfect plan, but I need to do something fast cause I feel so blobby & bloated.

    My only real resolution is to try & save more this year.
    Oh! And not to eat as much cheese.:blushing: :laugh:

    Whats this turbo fire? An exercise dvd?
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hiya Jain - of course you can join! Membership is open to everyone in the country :laugh:

    Guess I can relate to everyone feeling blobby. Went to my sisters yesterday for some family time. Had a lovely (and not too unhealthy) roast dinner but then loads of guests came round so we had a buffet tea and then I ate FAR too much!!!

    Been pretty good so far today and then definitely back on track tomorrow when I go back to work where there is no option for snacking and I'll be back to walking 40mins every day. Here's to getting back on track, however we choose to do it (diet shakes and all!) :drinker:
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member
    Hi Kim,

    Me too please! I have joined various challenges all over this site and fb but I do need to be kept on track to the more places I have to make myself accountable the better!!

    Plus being somewhere I can talk about stones instead of pounds is nice!

    Sorry girls, I have to tell you that lost 1/2lb over Christmas, please don't throw anything heavy at me!!

    Just been and signed up at a new gym this morning, sounds like a really fun place, which suits me, who ever said that exercise needs to be serious?? No contract, £17.25 a month unlimited...fab!!!

    I am currently 9st 3lb but am aiming to get down to 8st 12lb (giving myself a but of a buffer up to 9st!!)

    My focus this year is to get fit, once and for all, for years I have dabbled and threatened and never accomplished, so this year I have pledged to run a race for life in the summer (now with the gym just joined) This may not seem like such a huge challenge to some, but I can assure you I have never run in my life and will struggle to manage 50m let alone 5k!! So wish me luck, I am going to need it!!

    Looking forward to getting to know you all in the same time zone!!

    Mandy xx
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Hi its nice to see team UK back again. Likewise I know I've gained over Christmas, I don't think there's been a day when I haven't gone over my allowance - on some days it was over by 1500 cals and more!!!!!!!!! I did log everything though, so I can compare for next year (or should that be this year!). I also managed to exercise everyday.

    I'm also back to work tomorrow - 6 hours gardening - for my client, so glad to be back to an active lifestyle again, and I've just eaten the last slice of xmas cake so thats now gone :happy:

    Will be weighing in on Wednesday, and goal for the month will be to lose the excess and hopefully be 170 lbs by 1st Feb.

    Resolutions are to drink more water daily.
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi! It's great to see some more faces on here :flowerforyou:

    Mandy - I hope to do RFL myself this year. I walked it in 2009 with my best friend and because she has asthma she couldn't train to run or anything. I know it sounds mean but I really want to push myself and run it this year, I think I could raise sponsorship because I'm not known for being fit(!) but I'm not sure how my friend would feel about it. Let me know how you get on with your training.

    gilleeman - that's a great resolution and I've resolved to do the same. I do ok when I'm at work although it's mostly teas (both green and black) but I definitely don't drink enough when I'm at home so am probably pretty dehydrated at the moment! I was eating my last slice of xmas cake at about the same time as you! LOL

    Good luck to anyone going back to work tomorrow :drinker:
  • Debx12345
    Debx12345 Posts: 210
    Hey everyone, nice to see team uk growing. I've requested you all as friends hope you all accept.

    I'm back to work tomorrow, on one hand quite like sitting around doing nothing, but on the other hand know I need to get back to normal life.

    Time to get bikini fit for summer. Lol
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member
    I have added you all too!

    Mandy xx
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Well my first 2 days have been a bit, errrr, patchy.:blushing:

    Yesterday I was doing fine till I made a big pan of veggie stew for my DH's supper. The smell was just too tempting, so I gave in. Still it could have been worse.
    And today I've been freezing at work, so I'm about to finish off the stew for supper. But it is home made & healthy.

    I'm toying with the idea of joining Weight Watchers. I know they can't do anything for me that I can't get here, but having a regular, public weigh in and the social aspect of it might help me keep on track.
    I bought the mag today & there's a voucher for the membership fee + the first weeks class, so if I go & don't like it I wont be out of pocket.
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member
    You have nothing to lose then Jain, give it a try! Good luck xxx

    My bottom is regretting the 30 mins I did on the exercise bike last night, really need to work out how to pad the seat!!

    Mandy xx
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    haha I said it last month about starting again but knew it would be tricky with all the partying and dining going on. Yesterday was last day of the holidays and it's a long time until the next days off.

    My trip to South America starts on April 7th so that is my next target. Need to go gym and weigh in tonight, but target like last time is to drop at least 15kg !!

    Good luck everyone


    ps I'm also giving up smoking so it's going to be tough but benefits are going to be awesome.
  • trio25
    trio25 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi there, my target is to lose a stone for May. Great to see some people from the UK on here.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Ooh, hello there :flowerforyou:

    Have been kinda out of things for a long while, mostly depression and life getting on top of me.

    Other than being ill over Xmas and New Year things are looking up :drinker: Not sure how long that'll last, but while it does, I'm making the most of it!!!. I actually managed to get myself out of the house to do my very first run ever :noway: and blog about it too (

    @mat_lock re the smoking - go for it!! I gave up in 2010 - it'll be 6 months this month. Just think of the money you'll save!

    Good luck with the resolutions all round, mine for this year are just to carry on with what I started last year, which was to lose the excess baggage I'm carrying and get fit!

    Soooo, more from me another time.
    Take care all x
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Thanks Bubbly, I figure it can't do any harm & it'll get me out of the house for an hour. The meeting to tomorrow night so I'm going to give it try.

    Mat - Good luck with the giving up smoking
    And South America, WOW! That sounds like quite a trip.

    I'm trying to drop as much as I can before May 'cause we're off the the Pacific North West and I know from past experience a long haul flight when you're a 'wide load' is no fun.
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Great to see more newbies on the thread - you all have great dedication and willingness to try new stuff which is inspirational.

    Very jealous of those of you travelling abroad. I'd been hoping to go to Paris with my best friend in a couple months but all of her money is going towards her ticket for Glastonbury so our mini-break is on the back burner. Am sure to check out loads of singles holidays though and see if anything's do-able this year (really don't think I can take another year of just taking holiday days to work on the house!)

    Mandy - if you do find a way to pad the seat can you let me know? Apparently this one has an extra gel pad on the top but my bum certainly doesn't think there's any padding at all!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    all I can say is about going abroad - enter competitions to win them. One day you'll get lucky. I did :)
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Wow I have not been on Team UK since about July I think...BAD BAD BAD! Happy New Year! I'm very much looking forward to this year and am very positive about the weight loss this year! Yay! I did OK last year, this year I'll do great! Woop! So will you all!

    I've actually posted a thread called the sticky ny resolutions club if anyone wants to check that out too :o)

    How were everyone's Christmases and New Year's? I had a great Christmas and a quiet New Year with my family - perfect! I've been gallavanting around the UK visiting all my family which is just amazing and fun but not too kind on the waistline...home cooked food at my Mum's, Aunty's, other Aunty, Nan...the list goes on...! Ooh I don't want to see another cracker, mince pie, piece of cake or quality street for another...well...another year!

    Have a great week everyone!

    Mimi xxxx