mel090170 Member


  • Before giving my two cents I read what some other folks thought. I use to HATE water. It would acutely upset my stomach. (sloshing around) Now I love it VERY cold. Very pure. I drink it filtered through my frig and then bottles and refrigerated. I have noticed that when I think I want something sweet, drinking water often…
  • May I suggest going on YouTube and checking some stuff out? When I really can't get motivated I do Billy Blanks 8 minute tae bo. It is old so never released on DVD, I go to youtube and do it. Also try Windor Pilates….I do the 20 minute beginner and it is great….you are laying down most of the time so it seems easier…..LOL…
  • My stats are almost exactly the same as yours. I am older and an inch shorter. MFP also told me 1800 and I have been losing when I sick to it. My Dr told me I could go down to 1000 a day but I lost MUCH slower and then seemed to stop altogether. So I think everyone is different. How did you feel at 1800? Eat till you are…
  • LOL! But it looks like you get to drive a REAL car!
  • If only my six kids would fit on a scooter! LOL
  • 3.14 for 87 octane in Nampa Idaho.
  • For me it is after the kids go to bed. I just eat less calories during the day so that I can plan for the late night snacking. I have lost 11 pounds in 6 weeks so it must be working. A great snack is a string cheese and fruit. I love rassberries. 1 cup 64 calories and the sting cheese is 80. Has a little protein to help…
  • I took it September to November of 2010 and only lost 21 pound. My doctor told me to go down to 1000 calories and I did it and excersised....I could not keep up the 1000 calories a day and started gaining even at 1200 a day.....Now I do 1800 a day and I have lost two pounds a week for three weeks in a row. I think if you…
  • Bad Things by Jace Everett the sound track to Burlesque FIRE by the Pointer Sisters!
  • I would worry that your body might go into starvation mode and stall your weight loss. You have made such great progess that is would be a nightmare to have it stall out now. I think you should eat the calories you burn with exercise and maybe make your goal 1400.
  • Hi everyone! I am going to be 42 this year and I have six kids that I adopted as a single parent from foster care. Their ages are 4-12. When I was younger it was easy for me to loose weight, I would just do a couple workouts and poof! all gone. I am 5"7" and have not been under 200 pounds since the 90's. Last year I even…
  • If you are a Netflix subscriber you can try some of their DVD's, also you can go to You Tube and watch videos people have unploaded. If I really don't want to work out I do Billy Blanks 8 minute Tae Bo, even I can force myself to 8 minutes and since it is an old one and not offered on DVD I get it off You Tube! Good luck!…