My Blog On Taking Phentermine



  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Anyone telling you taking a pill is a quick solution is wrong. You have to work just as hard to lose you weight! The medication is just another tool to assist you in weight loss.

    If you have to work just as hard, why in the hell would you add so much risk into the equation?
  • Anyone telling you taking a pill is a quick solution is wrong. You have to work just as hard to lose you weight! The medication is just another tool to assist you in weight loss.

    If you have to work just as hard, why in the hell would you add so much risk into the equation?

    As I mentioned, its another tool to help you be successful. You still have to learn to eat correctly, you still have to work out. This medication is for short term induction into a healthier lifestyle. Normally after 2-3 months, you transition off the medication, but you are left with the skills to maintain you program.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I dont understand WHY some people are so upset at the choices others make---maybe the plan you are following is working great for you...
    OTHERS may need an extra "kick"---something to jump start their weight loss or help with plateuas...whatever the's their choice--this is a support site for weight loss!!! Geez!!
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    Anyone telling you taking a pill is a quick solution is wrong. You have to work just as hard to lose you weight! The medication is just another tool to assist you in weight loss.

    If you have to work just as hard, why in the hell would you add so much risk into the equation?

    As I mentioned, its another tool to help you be successful. You still have to learn to eat correctly, you still have to work out. This medication is for short term induction into a healthier lifestyle. Normally after 2-3 months, you transition off the medication, but you are left with the skills to maintain you program.

    good point here!
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    Maybe I'm missing something here. You only have like 27 pounds you want to lose? Why go to the lengths of getting medication? That's not a whole lot to lose. From your picture you don't look like you have much to lose at all. You can do 27 lbs with exercise and diet easy.
  • georgia98_98
    georgia98_98 Posts: 123 Member
    I am not going say weather u should or should not take it.... I can tell u that I took it once before.. over 2 yrs ago... Yes they do work, BUT I have been on my fat loss journey since the end of Oct. 2011 & can tell u I have not took any pills & sure it's tough starting... lose some gain a little.. But if u stick with it.. You will get the hang of it.. It does become eaiser... to me I took pills cause I could NOT stick with it.. If ur not ready to stick with it, then nothing is going help u.. Cause after u stop the pills u will gain some if not all of it back... Plus... does your body need something esle n it that has a 2 page list of things that CAN happen.. Hope that help.. Feel free to add me.. :happy:
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    I'm not judging or telling anyone what to do....but I will say this:

    Whatever you do to lose the weight is what you will have to KEEP doing in order to keep it off. If you wouldn't do it for a lifetime, perhaps you shouldn't do it at all. :)
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Yesterday I took my last phentermine pill...been on it for 3 months and lost 25 lbs. There is a GIGANTIC misconception here and some down right false information. I have been a mental health counselor with a focus on drug and alcohol. I've played the movie Requiem for a Dream in my group therapy sessions...Taking phentermine is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE THIS MOVIE!! An insane comparison!!! Phentermine is NOT heroine for crying out loud.

    Phentermine is for people who are on a structured diet and exercise plan and for whatever reason are having a difficult time losing weight. I am one of those people...I've been dieting and exercising for 3 years...nothing happened for me despite my absolute best efforts. 3 doctors ignored my concerns about this issue. I never asked any of them for medication, just help to figure out what in the world I was 'doing wrong'. Finally I found someone that listened to me. He agreed that clearly there is a problem and was eager to help me try and figure it out. He did NOT prescribe meds immediately!! And I luv him for that. My doctor and I AFTER trying several different approaches to weight loss..agreed that there is something that's not "working right. My metabolism had come to a screeching halt..I had not been overeating at all. Only after several months did he prescribe these meds. This medication is for SHORT TERM USE with A STRUCTURED DIET AND EXERCISE PLAN. The maximum time to use is 3 months!!!! It is not meant to use for years by any means. As a matter of fact, it has very little use/effect without a weight loss plan intact. This drug can be "potentially" habit forming...because there are people out there that don't use it like it's supposed to be used.
    I only experienced dry mouth, which was kinda okay because I finally started drinking lots of water..which I typically hadn't been doing. I exercise...I run 10-15 miles per week I keep to my calorie intake within reason...It's worked for me because I've DONE the work. I feel wonderful to say the least. And am so very glad that someone listened to me and did not say "Oh're forty soo....."
    Here's what I have to say to those nay-sayers....Please be considerate to others and not judge someone before you KNOW their struggle. For some...efforts pay off consistently and I'm happy for you. HOWEVER, just like people have diabetes or high blood pressure, or jock itch!! Some have trouble with those stupid hormones that regulate metabolism and such, there are people out there that need a 'jump' start to get their metabolism moving again.

    Phentermine people...friend me and I will support you provided that you are doing what you are supposed to do.

  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Maybe I'm missing something here. You only have like 27 pounds you want to lose? Why go to the lengths of getting medication? That's not a whole lot to lose. From your picture you don't look like you have much to lose at all. You can do 27 lbs with exercise and diet easy.

    With all due respect...for lots and lots of people 27 lbs is NOT easy.
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Ive never taken phentermine,but I spent along time on meth sounds just like it

    and you would be correct!

    Not even remotely close to an accurate statement at all!!!
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    Yesterday I took my last phentermine pill...been on it for 3 months and lost 25 lbs. There is a GIGANTIC misconception here and some down right false information. I have been a mental health counselor with a focus on drug and alcohol. I've played the movie Requiem for a Dream in my group therapy sessions...Taking phentermine is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE THIS MOVIE!! An insane comparison!!! Phentermine is NOT heroine for crying out loud.

    Phentermine is for people who are on a structured diet and exercise plan and for whatever reason are having a difficult time losing weight. I am one of those people...I've been dieting and exercising for 3 years...nothing happened for me despite my absolute best efforts. 3 doctors ignored my concerns about this issue. I never asked any of them for medication, just help to figure out what in the world I was 'doing wrong'. Finally I found someone that listened to me. He agreed that clearly there is a problem and was eager to help me try and figure it out. He did NOT prescribe meds immediately!! And I luv him for that. My doctor and I AFTER trying several different approaches to weight loss..agreed that there is something that's not "working right. My metabolism had come to a screeching halt..I had not been overeating at all. Only after several months did he prescribe these meds. This medication is for SHORT TERM USE with A STRUCTURED DIET AND EXERCISE PLAN. The maximum time to use is 3 months!!!! It is not meant to use for years by any means. As a matter of fact, it has very little use/effect without a weight loss plan intact. This drug can be "potentially" habit forming...because there are people out there that don't use it like it's supposed to be used.
    I only experienced dry mouth, which was kinda okay because I finally started drinking lots of water..which I typically hadn't been doing. I exercise...I run 10-15 miles per week I keep to my calorie intake within reason...It's worked for me because I've DONE the work. I feel wonderful to say the least. And am so very glad that someone listened to me and did not say "Oh're forty soo....."
    Here's what I have to say to those nay-sayers....Please be considerate to others and not judge someone before you KNOW their struggle. For some...efforts pay off consistently and I'm happy for you. HOWEVER, just like people have diabetes or high blood pressure, or jock itch!! Some have trouble with those stupid hormones that regulate metabolism and such, there are people out there that need a 'jump' start to get their metabolism moving again.

    Phentermine people...friend me and I will support you provided that you are doing what you are supposed to do.


    Well put DAWN!
    I havent taken the pill before--but I heard both good and bad things...i have no negative opinion on it at all...i just hate to see such judgemental conversations on a forum that is suppose to be supportive!! I'm glad you spoke up for some of our members!
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Anyone telling you taking a pill is a quick solution is wrong. You have to work just as hard to lose you weight! The medication is just another tool to assist you in weight loss.

    If you have to work just as hard, why in the hell would you add so much risk into the equation?

    As I mentioned, its another tool to help you be successful. You still have to learn to eat correctly, you still have to work out. This medication is for short term induction into a healthier lifestyle. Normally after 2-3 months, you transition off the medication, but you are left with the skills to maintain you program.

    good point here!

    AMEN and thank you :)
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Yesterday I took my last phentermine pill...been on it for 3 months and lost 25 lbs. There is a GIGANTIC misconception here and some down right false information. I have been a mental health counselor with a focus on drug and alcohol. I've played the movie Requiem for a Dream in my group therapy sessions...Taking phentermine is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE THIS MOVIE!! An insane comparison!!! Phentermine is NOT heroine for crying out loud.

    Phentermine is for people who are on a structured diet and exercise plan and for whatever reason are having a difficult time losing weight. I am one of those people...I've been dieting and exercising for 3 years...nothing happened for me despite my absolute best efforts. 3 doctors ignored my concerns about this issue. I never asked any of them for medication, just help to figure out what in the world I was 'doing wrong'. Finally I found someone that listened to me. He agreed that clearly there is a problem and was eager to help me try and figure it out. He did NOT prescribe meds immediately!! And I luv him for that. My doctor and I AFTER trying several different approaches to weight loss..agreed that there is something that's not "working right. My metabolism had come to a screeching halt..I had not been overeating at all. Only after several months did he prescribe these meds. This medication is for SHORT TERM USE with A STRUCTURED DIET AND EXERCISE PLAN. The maximum time to use is 3 months!!!! It is not meant to use for years by any means. As a matter of fact, it has very little use/effect without a weight loss plan intact. This drug can be "potentially" habit forming...because there are people out there that don't use it like it's supposed to be used.
    I only experienced dry mouth, which was kinda okay because I finally started drinking lots of water..which I typically hadn't been doing. I exercise...I run 10-15 miles per week I keep to my calorie intake within reason...It's worked for me because I've DONE the work. I feel wonderful to say the least. And am so very glad that someone listened to me and did not say "Oh're forty soo....."
    Here's what I have to say to those nay-sayers....Please be considerate to others and not judge someone before you KNOW their struggle. For some...efforts pay off consistently and I'm happy for you. HOWEVER, just like people have diabetes or high blood pressure, or jock itch!! Some have trouble with those stupid hormones that regulate metabolism and such, there are people out there that need a 'jump' start to get their metabolism moving again.

    Phentermine people...friend me and I will support you provided that you are doing what you are supposed to do.


    Well put DAWN!
    I havent taken the pill before--but I heard both good and bad things...i have no negative opinion on it at all...i just hate to see such judgemental conversations on a forum that is suppose to be supportive!! I'm glad you spoke up for some of our members!

    Thank you....some of the statements are just beyond inaccurate and ridiculous. GOOGLE it if ya want information otherwise move on to the next thread or BLOG whatever ya want to call it. I support anyone who is truly trying their best. It's a good support tool for those who are following exactly what they are supposed to and bad if they do not put in honest effort or if the side effects are too much. I have no idea how this is any different than all the 'diet solutions/pills etc" that you can buy at walmart!!! THOSE are the ones I'm afraid to put in my mouth...and most of the time they are severely over priced and ineffective.

  • mel090170
    mel090170 Posts: 13 Member
    I took it September to November of 2010 and only lost 21 pound. My doctor told me to go down to 1000 calories and I did it and excersised....I could not keep up the 1000 calories a day and started gaining even at 1200 a day.....Now I do 1800 a day and I have lost two pounds a week for three weeks in a row. I think if you cut too much fat or calories it stalls weight loss. I also only drink water.
    It sounds like you are creating better habits though. The smaller meals during the day and a smaller dinner. If you keep that up after your cycle of phentermine I think you will love the results. Best of luck and if you are not seeing good results try a little more fat in your diet.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Ive never taken phentermine,but I spent along time on meth sounds just like it

    This. Read my profile for more info. Amphetamines are not your friend.
  • bnelly55
    bnelly55 Posts: 88 Member
    Seriously? Why does everyone care what others do to lose weight? If you took 10 people all the same weight and lined them up, would you be able to pick out the one who took phentermine? I think we all should be supportive of each other and those of you who have nothing supportive to say need to quit sipping the Haterrade.....that stuff has TONS of sugar ;).
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Seriously? Why does everyone care what others do to lose weight? If you took 10 people all the same weight and lined them up, would you be able to pick out the one who took phentermine? Well, I guess you could since its basically meth so they would have meth mouth and meth scars....silly me. I think we all should be supportive of each other and those of you who have nothing supportive to say need to quit sipping the Haterrade.....that stuff has TONS of sugar ;).
    I could easily pick one out of a line up, and if someone began doubling/tripling etc their doses of it they could easily have physical signs like "meth mouth". Am I saying everyone who takes it abuses it? No. If used correctly it's fine in the short term. Amphetamines (which is what class of drug this is) are very habit forming. The ephoric sensation and effects on neurotransmitters and CNS are very similar to methamphetamine and cocaine. I know from experience. My "haterade" isn't hate, it's real life experience. Prescription amphetamines (a different drug) and meth caused me to lose everything in life and landed me in jail and bankrupt at 25. Am I an extreme example? Yes. So get your sugar-filled haterade off me, please. I volunteer and speak at rehab and recovery centers, and if I want to preach here... I can do that too.
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    Honestly, I could care less what others did to lose weight. What I DON'T want to see is you being a patient in my unit because you are morbidly obese and did NOTHING about your weight issue, so it led to diabetes, cardiomyopathies, hypertension, pressure sores, etc. To each his own, your mileage may vary, what's good for the goose isn't always good for the gander, blah blah blah. If you need a jump start, hey, jump away. All I wanna see is your success story someday. Touche'.

    I don't have time to figure out somebody else's phentermine issues. Hell, I'm trying to figure out how to get my sodium count down. Do they make a jump start pill for that? :laugh:
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    Oh....and another thing....I have nurse friends who took Phentermine. I, myself, have tried it. It's not heart valve friendly. Also, make sure you know your target heart rate. Exercise while on Phentermine, but make sure you keep a close check on your heart rate. With heart rates that far exceed your target, your ventricles do not have time enough to refill in order to adequately perfuse your brain and vital organs. That explains that faint, nauseating feeling you get when you exercise with stimulants in your system. Now that is just a friendly FACT. No haterade there.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Anyone telling you taking a pill is a quick solution is wrong. You have to work just as hard to lose you weight! The medication is just another tool to assist you in weight loss.

    If you have to work just as hard, why in the hell would you add so much risk into the equation?

    Take a deep breath, relax, chill