

  • 5'2'' college student with a CW of 164. would be soooooo happy to get down to 125!! Add me if you have similar goals!
  • I'm 18 and I did my first sprint triathlon last summer with my best friend the week before we left for college. It was AMAZING!!!! i HIGHLY recommend at least trying one! yes, there is a lot of training but I found out that I was more prepared than i thought i was. When your adrenaline starts going you feel invincible!!!!…
  • totally totally agree!
  • this is what i need! SW 168
  • yesssss! I totally agree with what you said. You know its bad when you are cleaning your bowl of ramen in the sink. I'm on my college golf team (not quite basketball haha) but I am definitely ready to get in shape, especially for spring break! definitely add me too! im pretty new here but it seems like advice and support…
  • oh me too! that's a great goal. i'm a college student and i want to start the summer off on a high note!