

  • This one has recently surfaced as a big factor in seeing my pounds go down. I had found my weight loss plateauing at one point despite logging every bite and exercising consistently. Sodium. The water magnet. I'm at bigger risk because I have incompetent valves in my right leg veins. What this means is that I can balloon…
  • Having tasted EAS products and other brands I can tell you for a fact that your problem is the brand. On a price/taste scale the best out there is Optimum Nutrition's products. I don't work for them, I don't sell them. I have consumed over a dozen different brands and find the ON brand to be consistently higher in quality…
  • The FAQ spells out why the strength training is not calculated for calories under exercise. In a more general way the reason is that they can't come up with a practical number that works for everyone with any accuracy. As the other poster observed you can add strength training time under cardio but it is not likely to be…