

  • I started today and got told to log it as "Circuit Training - General" Hope that helps
  • I will post a thread with a complete how to on my blog later on this week, but basically i bought a PC Dance mat, and used a free program called stepmania. And voila, Dance Arcade Simulator, connected my laptop to tv for that added Arcade feel!
  • I was exactly the same, so i have built a Dance Arcade simulator, with a mat and stuff. I don't like going out let alone to a gym again for self conscious reasons. Its silly because i can talk online and over the phone, but in person is a big nono!
  • Thanks for putting it like this, i have written down my goals and will print them out on a massive piece of paper for the wall, underneath i'm going to put a chart so i can see how im doing. I'm going to be joining weight watchers on Wednesday to keep an accurate log of my weight aswell and hopefully have another link, i…
  • Well i stood on teh board thing and it told me to get off as i was too heavy! So that is one of my first goals :)
  • Hey, as i've quickly realised this site is a great resource and already have alot of friend requests! As i said in my message to you, hopefully we can bounce ideas off each other and help each other to succeed! I just can't wait until the day i can post in the success stories section!!! James
  • Thank you all for the warm welcome and sorry for using Stone, my weight in lb's is 406 at the moment. I will edit my first post if i can to make it easier to understand. And once again thank you for the warm welcome and hopefully i'll make alot of new friends and loose some weight while having fun!