Big and Young!



  • shr3k1989
    Welcome! Right there in your first post I heard some great things that should help to keep you motivated. You just need to keep them in mind when you're feeling weak and when you feel like you want to give up.

    Make a list of your reasons for doing this. They may seem obvious now, but motivation starts to wane, and there will come a time when you'll need the boost.

    #1: Your health: whatever the doctors said to you that made you realize you need to do this
    #2: Wii Fit and the other things you want to be able to do that you can't right now.
    #3: How great it will be to "tell your story" - to be a success story and an inspiration to others

    I think these are some pretty motivational reasons for getting fit. Keep them in mind as your ultimate goals and they'll carry you through.

    Thanks for putting it like this, i have written down my goals and will print them out on a massive piece of paper for the wall, underneath i'm going to put a chart so i can see how im doing.

    I'm going to be joining weight watchers on Wednesday to keep an accurate log of my weight aswell and hopefully have another link, i figure the more links and friends you have the harder it will be to quit!

    Already i have this site as my home page and check it more frequently than facebook!

    Also finished building my dance machine arcade simulator and did 40 minutes today!

    So Day 3: Not Bad ~ Good Start, Over endulged on bread at dinner so burnt off what i could in the evening as i felt guilty!
  • shr3k1989

    I started at 340lbs with the same kind of motivation you have, I don't want all those bad things to happen to me!

    Congrats for coming on here and making the first step!! I know how hard it is so well done for getting this far! :smile:

    I bought an exercise bike (don't want to join a gym just yet!, for self concious reasons!) for about £80, one where your arms move as well as your legs. Started with 20 minutes on my first day and they were hell!!, 3 days later I was recovering far quicker, a week later I upped it to 25 mins and a week after that 30...and thats where it is staying for now. I use the bike once a day 6 days a week and keep my calories under 2000 (thats not counting exercise calories).

    Its slow and steady but let me tell you it works!! I have lost 11lbs and can already feel the difference, it really spurs you on, every lbs counts towards your goal and it IS possible, its not easy but nothing worth doing ever is!

    Good Luck Pal,


    I was exactly the same, so i have built a Dance Arcade simulator, with a mat and stuff. I don't like going out let alone to a gym again for self conscious reasons. Its silly because i can talk online and over the phone, but in person is a big nono!
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397

    I started at 340lbs with the same kind of motivation you have, I don't want all those bad things to happen to me!

    Congrats for coming on here and making the first step!! I know how hard it is so well done for getting this far! :smile:

    I bought an exercise bike (don't want to join a gym just yet!, for self concious reasons!) for about £80, one where your arms move as well as your legs. Started with 20 minutes on my first day and they were hell!!, 3 days later I was recovering far quicker, a week later I upped it to 25 mins and a week after that 30...and thats where it is staying for now. I use the bike once a day 6 days a week and keep my calories under 2000 (thats not counting exercise calories).

    Its slow and steady but let me tell you it works!! I have lost 11lbs and can already feel the difference, it really spurs you on, every lbs counts towards your goal and it IS possible, its not easy but nothing worth doing ever is!

    Good Luck Pal,


    I was exactly the same, so i have built a Dance Arcade simulator, with a mat and stuff. I don't like going out let alone to a gym again for self conscious reasons. Its silly because i can talk online and over the phone, but in person is a big nono!

    You built a dance arcade simulator??? How did you do this?? Thats pretty awesome!
  • shr3k1989

    I started at 340lbs with the same kind of motivation you have, I don't want all those bad things to happen to me!

    Congrats for coming on here and making the first step!! I know how hard it is so well done for getting this far! :smile:

    I bought an exercise bike (don't want to join a gym just yet!, for self concious reasons!) for about £80, one where your arms move as well as your legs. Started with 20 minutes on my first day and they were hell!!, 3 days later I was recovering far quicker, a week later I upped it to 25 mins and a week after that 30...and thats where it is staying for now. I use the bike once a day 6 days a week and keep my calories under 2000 (thats not counting exercise calories).

    Its slow and steady but let me tell you it works!! I have lost 11lbs and can already feel the difference, it really spurs you on, every lbs counts towards your goal and it IS possible, its not easy but nothing worth doing ever is!

    Good Luck Pal,


    I was exactly the same, so i have built a Dance Arcade simulator, with a mat and stuff. I don't like going out let alone to a gym again for self conscious reasons. Its silly because i can talk online and over the phone, but in person is a big nono!

    You built a dance arcade simulator??? How did you do this?? Thats pretty awesome!

    I will post a thread with a complete how to on my blog later on this week, but basically i bought a PC Dance mat, and used a free program called stepmania. And voila, Dance Arcade Simulator, connected my laptop to tv for that added Arcade feel!
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    Hey sweetie, you've come to the right place! All the help, motivation and support and as much as you need is right here! Feel free to hit me up with a friend request!

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328

    welcome to this wonderful place!

    You did the first few steps to come here, see a doc, using WW... That's great! That's determination!

    I recommend this for you: take small steps! I know it's a loooooooooong time before reaching a goal like losing 150lbs, but if you take it slowly, you'll get there. If you start too fast, you might just stumble or fall down, and that's not really what we want, right?!? ;-)

    Oh, and take a look at the success stories whenever you feel a little low!

    Wish you a wonderful way!

  • NlKKA
    NlKKA Posts: 185 Member
    Hello! You can achieve whatever you put your mind to and believe it. Set small goals, be realistic, explore your eating options and drink plenty of water. Also rest is important not only physically but mentally as well. You are on the right track by making a decision to start this journey. Sending you a friend request and wishin you the best.