nienhulm Member


  • That sounds like a good plan. Wish I was a little closer to the beach so I could do that too.
  • If you can't afford the Vibram Five Fingers, you might want to stick to running in regular trainers for a while. You know that old phrase, before you can run you must walk? Well, its definitely true for barefoot running. If your feet aren't used to being barefoot you'll need to get them used to it by walking barefoot on…
  • Stop! Back away from the trail mix slowly. Slowly! Now, take a deep breath, brush your teeth, maybe fix a cup of herbal tea and tell yourself you are awesome. Because YOU ARE. You're worth too much to give up on.
  • I plan my meals ahead of time for the most part. That way I know before I eat how many cals I'm consuming. If I logged things afterwards, I'd probably go way over budget. Plus it means I can space my cals out over the day rather than undereat in the morning so I can overeat at night. I had that problem when I did weight…
  • I LOVE Urban Decay's products! I could probably live without the eyeshadow primer potion, but I don't want to!
  • LOL!!
  • The best: Don't keep crappy food in your house. If its not there, you can't eat it. The worst: Eat a tapeworm. (seriously) Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools