

  • For those of you that may have been interested in hearing results: The wrap was a bizarre experience, a lil costly but so worth it :) I do believe it's a more temporary fix... you definitely have to continue working out and eating healthy in order to have the results stick longer.... He measured me before and after.... I…
  • Great job!! You are an inspiration :)
  • I also sprinkle feta cheese on top of most of my salads... but I also sprinkle granola, flax seed and wheat germ :)
  • I am the same height and weight pretty much. I have been dealing with this plateau since Feb. I am developing anxiety over it. SUCKS! I workout at least 5 days a week (sometimes 6)... I just started doing alot of interval workouts last week. (Slow Jog/Sprint for about 30 minutes) and that seems to have helped a tiny bit. I…
  • I feel your pain!! I have been in FULL BLOWN PLATEAU MODE since February :( I have been bouncing between 136-139 for the past 3 months! I usually eat 1000-1200 calories a day and exercise at least 5 days a week. I just recently started forcusing more on strength training instead of only cardio so hopefully that will…