Plateau or No? Help!

getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
I have read everything there is to be read about plateaus. Zig-zagging, upping calories, switching workouts, eating exercise calories (netting close to 1200/day), drink water, lower sodium, attempting to lower sugar.

Now what? :sad: I have been at the same weight with some fluctuation for a month.

I need some solid advice that has worked with time lines! :wink:

My stats: 33yrs old > 5' 3" > 137 lbs > Daily calorie goal = 1305 > I'm working on eating cleaner (just started this week) > workout 5-6 days/wk.

My diary is public (not perfect but I'll work on it).


  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I think either switching your work-out or upping the intensity, REALLY, REALLY kick your own butt until you feel like you're gonna die!! Should do the trick after two weeks of really trying to kick yourself in gear.

    I think the eating cleaner and cutting your sugar down is going to give you results in 1-2 weeks also. Hang in there. Sounds like you recently made the right changes.
  • cupfanncbms
    cupfanncbms Posts: 101
    I just tried to look at your diary and couldn't see it.

    That being said-you're the same height as I am, and my lowest weight ever as an adult was 133 and that had me super skinny (size 4). I couldn't have gotten smaller if I wanted to without turning anorexic...

    Other than that, when I'd plateau, I'd just have a couple high calorie days and then go back to the hardcore dieting and it'd start to fall off again.
  • jvmulhall
    jvmulhall Posts: 4 Member
    start lfiting weights! that will boust your resting metobolic rate. and cut out bread and pasta.
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Yes...I have had two plateaus! I also am 33 and 5'3" . The first one was before I joined MFP Stuck at 26 lbs lost. Then joined and lost 5 more and have been stuck since the middle of March until today when I lost 1 pound bringing me to 124 lbs. Finally!!! I did have days where I ate under my net calorie goal and a few days of overeating the goal but stayed around 1250-1350 average. I took a day off from excercise on Sunday and drank almost 12 cups of water yesterday. You look great from your pictures...and it is harder the closer we get to our goals. Just keep working at it and you will see results.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Have you checked your body composition at all? "Weight is just mass and doesn't account for your Lean Mass and Body fat %ages.

    It IS entirely possible that you could be gaining muscle, AND burning fat together as your body becomes more efficient.

    Do the math: Add 1 lb Muscle....Subtract 1lb fat...= Zero net weight loss (According to the standard scale).

    Remember, the scale isn't your own guide for results.
  • ababygrace
    ababygrace Posts: 123
    I have heard having a cheat day or a good cheat meal sometimes breaks those plateaus. It has happened to me once. It sounds crazy but it tricks your body. Also you may have found your true healthy weight for your body and it may not want to get lower. Let us know what you do and what works. Good Luck!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Thanks all for the words of wisdom so far! I changed my diary to public now.

    I can up my workout intensity, water, and I'll see how the high calorie days come (they seem to creep up weekly anyway). I cut out bread for one week (it was so hard). So bread and pasta ay yi yi! I do moderate weights about 5 days a week - 8-10 lb dumbbells and kettlebell. Not sure if that works as good lifting. I may take a body pump class instead of zumba on Saturday.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Have you checked your body composition at all? "Weight is just mass and doesn't account for your Lean Mass and Body fat %ages.

    It IS entirely possible that you could be gaining muscle, AND burning fat together as your body becomes more efficient.

    Do the math: Add 1 lb Muscle....Subtract 1lb fat...= Zero net weight loss (According to the standard scale).

    Remember, the scale isn't your own guide for results.

    I do feel stronger as in my core, arms, and legs from workouts. Does my body not want to lose anymore! :ohwell:
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Thanks all for the words of wisdom so far! I changed my diary to public now.

    I can up my workout intensity, water, and I'll see how the high calorie days come (they seem to creep up weekly anyway). I cut out bread for one week (it was so hard). So bread and pasta ay yi yi! I do moderate weights about 5 days a week - 8-10 lb dumbbells and kettlebell. Not sure if that works as good lifting. I may take a body pump class instead of zumba on Saturday.

    Lift heavier weights.

    "Lift like a man, look like a goddess" - Lou Schuler (from his book "The New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women")
  • jacquie2006
    I am the same height and weight pretty much. I have been dealing with this plateau since Feb. I am developing anxiety over it. SUCKS! I workout at least 5 days a week (sometimes 6)... I just started doing alot of interval workouts last week. (Slow Jog/Sprint for about 30 minutes) and that seems to have helped a tiny bit. I just wish I saw results alot faster than just a few ounces a week. Uggghhhh! Keep me posted on any changes you make to your diet or exercise and let me know if they work. I could use some new ideas, suggestions, etc... I have a Miami (Southbeach) trip in 3 weeks and I really wanted to be at my goal weight by then (but from the looks of it, that'll be IMPOSSIBLE)! So I'm making a short term goal = loose 6 lbs in 3 weeks (Id like to be at 130 by 5/20). Lets see if I can achieve that goal.... (sigh). Good luck with your weight loss journey! xo